Hi Everyone, just wanted to give you a quick update of happenings. I'm in the midst of revisions for SECOND CHANCE. I'm thrilled that my editor loved the story. She did want some additional scenes, so I'm working on those right now. The more I work on this book, the more I love these characters. And believe it or not, these may be my most tortured characters yet. Imagine that!
Once I'm through with revisions, it's back to work on LAST CHANCE and wow, gotta say I'm loving my hero and heroine. McKenna is so tough and vulnerable and Lucas Kane is one of the coolest heros I've ever written. I can't wait for you to meet him!
Thanks to those who came by the Romance University Blog and read my interview. I really enjoyed chatting with folks over there. It's a great place to visit, so I hope you'll frequent the site as much as you can.
I'm considering making more changes to my website and thought it'd be great to get input from you, the reader. Any suggestions for changes or additions? I know you want more excerpts and I promise they're coming as soon as I can get them up. But is there anything else I can add that would be helpful for you? You can post your comment here or email me at christy@christyreece.com. Would love to hear from you.
Gotta get back to those revisions. Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!