Wednesday, July 27, 2011
SECOND CHANCE Discussion Winner
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
SECOND CHANCE Trivia Contest

Continuing our countdown to the release of SWEET JUSTICE, welcome to our discussion of SECOND CHANCE! Hope you’ll grab your favorite beverage and a snack, then settle back as we chat about Cole Mathison and Keeley Fairchild, along with some evil and just downright wicked people of Fairview, South Carolina. Beware: plot points will be discussed and spoilers will be revealed!
SECOND CHANCE holds a special place in my heart for a lot of different reasons. For one, it features my most tortured hero. If anyone ever earned an HEA, it’s Cole Mathison. I received more emails about Cole than any other LCR character. I wasn’t the only one who wanted to see him get a SECOND CHANCE at happiness. Cole is good guy who suffered and lost so much. Giving him his own book was a must!
Cole’s horrific experience in RUN TO ME was painful to write and to read. I didn't know until the middle of writing the book who that tortured man was...I thought, just like Shea and the rest of the world, that Cole was dead. When I realized who he was, I was determined to get him rescued but still had no idea if he would have his own book. Then when Shea is going through her things in that storage shed and comes across the newspaper article about Cole and his family, I hurt for him all the more. And that's when I knew I had to not only tell his story, I had to give him back everything he had lost.
And then came Keeley Fairchild--one of the more challenging female characters I’ve written. She wasn’t an LCR operative, she was a mom. She was also a bit naïve and not very sophisticated. I enjoy writing strong women and I thought she might be more difficult to write. Fortunately, Keeley stepped up. Her strengths weren't in physical prowess or street smarts. She wasn't a woman of the world. What I found was a woman with unique strengths--a woman who loved fiercely and loyally. Her love and devotion for her daughters was all-consuming and she was determined to get them back. She worked tirelessly to make that happen.
Cole’s need to help her find her children gave them a common bond. Though Keeley didn’t know the truth behind his need, it created a partnership that led to love.
Another difficulty I had with writing SECOND CHANCE were the children. I know many talented authors are able to write books where children are harmed and it works fine for them. I can’t do that. I can write vaguely of certain aspects of abuse, but I can’t hurt a five year old child, even in words. That became a challenge on its own. Thankfully, having them kidnapped and sold to families fit perfectly for the storyline. The children were never meant to be hurt—their mother was the real target.
Many people say they knew who the real villain was from the beginning. Some guessed but weren’t sure and then some had no idea. Honestly, I didn’t know until the middle of the book. My goodness, there were so many choices. The evil mother-in-law, the too good best friend or the secretive sister-in-law. Or it could have been some surprise unknown villain from the town. And wasn’t Wesley Tuttle deliciously slimy? I must say that his demise caused me no problem to write at all.
One of the many things I loved about SECOND CHANCE was the opportunity to revisit characters from previous LCR books. Eden and Jordan, Shea and Ethan and, of course, Noah. I loved catching up with them and finding out what they’d been doing. And I enjoyed introducing a new character--FBI agent Honor Stone. She intrigued me from the beginning and I just knew she had a story to tell. Especially when she mentioned to Cole that she’d had a bad break-up. And man, did she ever! (A little plug for SWEET JUSTICE. Can’t wait for you to read her story!)
Another challenge I had with SECOND CHANCE was the romance. I love reading and writing sensual love stories. However, having this sensual love story happen while Keeley’s children were missing was somewhat difficult to pull off. Thankfully, (although I know some disagreed) I think the way the story played out very well for both characters. If they had stopped searching for the children just to play around with each other, that would have been one thing. But making love and finding comfort in physical intimacy is a very human and natural thing. And it helped create a bond between them. When Keeley learned the truth, a level of extreme trust had already been established. Go back and read the hotel love scene with the mirror. Now that takes trust!
One of the more delightful aspects of this book for me was the confrontation between Cole and Elizabeth Fairchild. What fun I had with that scene! At last, someone was telling the woman the truth and not kowtowing to her because of her wealth and influence. I don't know how many times I laughed as I wrote that scene!
So, what about you? Do you have a favorite scene, line or moment in SECOND CHANCE? What aspects of the story do you want to talk about? Was there something you would have liked to have happen that didn't? Any questions for Cole, Keeley or any of the other characters? (I'll even ask Wesley, if you have something for him.)
I’ll come back in a few hours and post a SECOND CHANCE trivia game. Winner will receive a signed copy of the 2010 trilogy.
And one blog commenter will receive a signed copy of SECOND CHANCE and a $25 Amazon card.
Now, let’s chat!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Recommend Monday!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Recommend Monday!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
NO CHANCE Trivia Contest
NO CHANCE Discussion!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the discussion of NO CHANCE, Gabe Maddox’s and Skylar James’s story. Wow, can you believe it? We’re halfway through the LCR countdown to SWEET JUSTICE. Yay!
Before we get started, just wanted to warn you that there are some major spoilers in this post. So if you haven't had the chance to read NO CHANCE, you might want to wait to read this blog. But if spoilers don't bother you, then read on. Hopefully it will entice you to read the book!
NO CHANCE was a bit of a departure for me and for LCR stories. For the first time, I had a married couple to write about. What fun! Also, I devoted a lot of the story to one of the victims that LCR was trying to rescue. And, I had an opportunity to write about a young couple falling in love without all the baggage that sometimes inhibits falling in love at an older age.
Though Gabe definitely had plenty of emotional baggage from losing his father and brother, being the lone survivor of a mining accident and then being held captive for over a year in a war torn country. Whew! Just typing that out was exhausting. Poor guy.
I’ve mentioned many times that Gabe irritated me in a couple of books. I didn’t particularly like him in RETURN TO ME and it wasn’t until the end of RUN TO ME that I began to warm up to him. In fact, I even thought he might have been the mole in that book. So glad he wasn’t!
I didn’t know what Gabe’s problem was for a long time. I knew he had issues with closed in spaces and that he didn’t trust women. He revealed both of those in RUN TO ME. When he admitted to Ethan that he was still married, I thought wow, Gabe, you’ve got some secrets you need to be talking to me about, buddy. And then, finally, thankfully, he gave me a significant lead near the end of RUN TO ME with this inner dialogue: ...he’d just as soon eat coal dust as delve back into his own past. That’s when I realized Gabe had a coal mining background. And he had an interesting and heartbreaking story to tell.
Skylar was a little less complicated to get to know but still fascinating, especially eight years after her marriage to Gabe. She’d grown up wealthy, surrounded by the best of everything--a little spoiled, but basically a good person. She’s a young woman who sees the shallowness that surrounds her and accepts that as the way things are…until she meets a man who makes her view the world in a different way.
My first draft of NO CHANCE started when Kendra was taken. The sentence: By the time you read this, I'll be gone had been revolving around in my head for days and that's how I wanted to begin the book. I had planned to do a couple of flashbacks of Gabe and Skye’s first meeting, but hadn’t planned on showing them meeting or falling in love. My editor wanted me to show them at the earlier age. I’m glad she asked for that. It was interesting to see their innocence and excitement of falling in love and then compare that to what they were like eight years later.
Jeremiah James, Skylar’s father, was an intriguing person to write. He loved his daughter. In his own selfish, misguided and elitist way, he believed he was doing the right thing for her. What he did was deceitful and wrong but it wasn’t done out of malice. Even though I despised what he did, I couldn’t really hate him. I would imagine the fear of Skylar learning the truth weighed heavily on his shoulders.
For those who know my writing style, you won’t be surprised to learn that NO CHANCE surprised me throughout the story. For instance, I knew Skylar’s father set up the whole fabricated scenario to keep them apart, however, I didn’t know until Gabe told Skylar that he had tried to see her several times and Jeremiah James’s goons had beaten him up. How hard that must have been for him to admit. LOL Even now I want to hug the poor guy! And I was surprised when I learned that Skylar almost died trying to find Gabe. Now I want to hug her too. (:
I know some people believed that Gabe going without sex for eight years was unbelievable. Which made me doubly glad that I showed what kind of man Gabe was when he was younger. He was an idealist and a dreamer. He believed in a once in a lifetime kind of love and though he became a hardened and bitter man, his core values never changed. He was still married and refused to cheat on his wife. It was that simple. As a romance author and a romantic, I believe that kind of love exists. Is it rare? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it’s not out there.
One of the things I enjoy about the first book in a back-to-back trilogy is the chance to introduce the characters for upcoming stories. I loved having readers get to know Cole Mathison better. And through his amusement at watching Gabe and Skylar, we learned what kind of husband Cole might have been. I think we can all agree he was a good one. And I got to introduce McKenna Sloan, one of the most intriguing characters I’ve ever written. Once I finished, I was so excited to get back to Cole’s story and I couldn’t wait to find out more about McKenna. Such a fascinating young woman!
I had a love/hate relationship with Kendra. I hated what happened to her. She paid a high price for her poor judgment and desire to be famous. I hurt for her and wanted her to be able to get retribution against William. Having her get a little of her own vengeance against him near the end was fun. I sincerely hope I can write her story someday. I already have her storyline in my mind, so we’ll see.
And William? What can we say about him but that he was a pervert, rapist and all around evil person? The contrast between him as a doting father and what he did to women somehow freaked me out even more.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing NO CHANCE—the characters came alive in my mind and sometimes I couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with them. Gabe and Skye’s heartbreak felt so real, as did their powerful love for one another.
So what about you? What did you think about NO CHANCE? Any issues you want to discuss? Would you have made Skylar’s father suffer more? Was Skylar too forgiving of her family? Did it make you mad when Gabe left at the end? And what about Kendra? Do you think her goals and values changed after what she went through? What questions do you have for me or the characters?
One random commenter will win a $25 gift card to the bookstore of your choice and a signed copy of NO CHANCE.
I’ll come back at noon and post a short NO CHANCE trivia contest. You'll have until noon tomorrow to answer the questions. Random winner of the contest will receive a signed copy of the entire 2010 LCR trilogy, NO CHANCE, SECOND CHANCE and LAST CHANCE.
Both winners will be announced at two o’clock tomorrow.
Okay, let’s chat!