Monday, October 31, 2011
Recommend Monday and Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 28, 2011
USA Today Review on Happily Ever After blog
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Welcome Carla Swafford!

Why I Like To Write Romances Especially Hot Ones?
You probably can’t believe this but there are people out there who hate romance books. And to make it worse, a lot of those people are women. Yeah. Weird, isn’t it? I have a hard time understanding it too.
Considering women are naturally emotional creatures (duh!), and the best romances are filled to the brim with all kinds of feelings, you would think all of us would love them.
To me, romances have so much going for them along with all the mushy stuff. First and foremost, they guarantee you a happy ending. Then they offer numerous genres such as general contemporary, historical, suspense, paranormal, fantasy, science fiction, young adult (aww! puppy love) and the newest, horror. Yep. You read it right. The slasher, chill ‘em, thrill ‘em with blood and gore type. Hey, I don’t write it. I merely report it.
Now when it comes to my preferred reading material, I want them to be hot. It can be one of the first six above, but they need to be scorching with no bedroom door shut. I do read some young adult, but please leave the sex out. Even though they have the word adult in their genre description, most of the characters are younger than eighteen. The heavy kissing and petting can get a little steamy and that’s okay. Normal teenager stuff.
So when it came to writing my own book, it made sense I would write hot. I love reading a book where the hero and heroine have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves. I love how they have a problem thinking about anything but each other. When they finally get together, it’s so explosive, that the pages become singed by their lovemaking. Though they may call it having sex or by some other provocative word, we know what’s going to happen. It will be making love by the end of the book.
That’s what happens to Collin in the beginning of Circle of Desire. He has to pat down Olivia, check her for a locator beneath her skin. And for him to do that, she must be naked. He finds he can’t control his hands, and her enthusiastic reaction is a big turn on for him. Before he knows it, he … wait! You have to read the book. I will say that he’s a gentleman and keeps his clothes on. I do love to torment others with little teasing tidbits.
What I like best about that scene is that later you find out Collin is all about controlling his emotions. And every time Olivia is nearby, he’s so turned on, he’s nearly helpless. So he tries to twist the attraction into a means to manipulate her. But as time goes by, you can’t help but wonder if it didn’t backfire.
So to answer the question in the title of this post, I like them hot because it heightens not only the passionate love scenes, but all the emotions between the hero and heroine throughout the book.
So what are some of your favorite hot books?
Comment for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card or one of three $10 Barnes and Noble gift cards that Carla is giving away during her blog tour this week. Winner will be announced tonight at 8:00 PM (CST).
Monday, October 24, 2011
Recommend Monday!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Quickie Saturday
Monday, October 17, 2011
Recommend Monday!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
SWEETest Day!
Happy SWEETest Day! (For some reason, I feel the need to add Y'all to that greeting)
What is SWEETest Day? Good question. I’ve never observed it before. Have you?
Here’s what I copied from Wikepedia:
Sweetest Day is an observance celebrated primarily in the Great Lakes region, and parts of the Northeast United States, on the third Saturday in October.[1] It is described by Retail Confectioners International as an "occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember husbands, boyfriends,the sick, aged and orphaned, but also friends, relatives and associates whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed."[2] Sweetest Day has also been referred to as a "concocted promotion" created by the candy industry solely to increase sales of sweets.[3]
I kind of believe the second definition/explanation, but really like the first one. So either way, it’s SWEETest Day!
Today, I’m using it to celebrate the SWEET trilogy! And when I celebrate, I always want to give something away. So there’s the deal, for a chance to win a signed copy of both SWEET JUSTICE and SWEET REVENGE and a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card, name your favorite LCR heroine and why you love her.
I’ll collect comments all weekend and will announce the winner on Recommend Monday.
Have a great SWEETest day, everyone!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday's Thoughts
Monday, October 10, 2011
Recommend Monday
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Interview at USA Today Happy Ever After blog
Friday, October 7, 2011
Welcome Joyce Lamb!!!

Hi, Christy!
Thank you SO much for having me today!!! It’s a good day for romance, in my humble opinion. That’s because over at, there’s a brand-new blog devoted to the love of romance novels, the readers who read them and the writers who write them.
Happy Ever After will run lots and lots of book reviews, author interviews and other fun stuff. You can expect to see Christy’s name mentioned there a lot, too, cuz she just happens to be one of my favorite authors of ALL time. Not exaggerating.
I’m happy to report, too, that the woman in charge of this new blog is an award-winning romance novelist herself. That’s some pretty decent street cred, don’t you think? Oh, and that woman is me. : ) The best part is that we can all now be assured that this blog is about romance novel LOVE. No haters or "bodice ripper" rhetoric allowed.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll find at HEA:
Today, there’s an interview with Lavinia Kent, author of the new Regency romance WHAT A DUKE WANTS. Sample question:
HEA: What's the most interesting thing you've learned about the Regency period that you didn't already know?
Lavinia: “Much of what I found interesting was learning what didn’t happen. There is no evidence that dance cards existed during the Regency, or that heroines ever dampened their skirts to make them cling.”
She also talks about her love of the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Real Housewives of New York, as well as other Housewives shows. It’s pretty entertaining, if I do say so myself. A review of WHAT A DUKE WANTS will appear at HEA next week.
You’ll also find a review today of this summer’s RITA award-winning Jill Shalvis’ new ANIMAL ATTRACTION. Review snippet: Jill’s “Animal series is a fun, light romantic read. Definitely a good way to spend a few hours with some sexy characters.” If you haven’t seen the cover of this book, prepare for an “ooohhh” and an “awwww.” An interview with Jill will run next week.
Later today, HEA will talk with Christy. Yes, Christy!!! And next week, we’ll run a review of her SWEET JUSTICE, followed shortly by a review of SWEET REVENGE. It’s going to be, well, SWEET.
There’ll also be a review today of the new paranormal romance by Virna DePaul, CHOSEN BY FATE. You do NOT want to miss this book. It’s complex, it’s gritty and it’s un-put-downable. An interview with Virna will follow next week.
Other author interviews and book reviews coming up in the next few weeks: Erin Quinn (HAUNTING EMBRACE), Jane Graves (HEARTSTRINGS AND DIAMOND RINGS), Ann Christopher (DEADLY DESIRES), Mariah Stewart (HOMETOWN GIRL), Shawn Lane (DEVOTEDLY HIS), Keri Arthur (DARKNESS UNBOUND), Desiree Holt (BEDROOM EYES) and Jenny B. Jones (THERE YOU’LL FIND ME) -- and that’s just in the next few weeks.
HEA has many, many more interviews and reviews on tap, such as a review of ANGEL OF DARKNESS by Cynthia Eden, HEART OF A KILLER by Jaci Burton, ALL THAT REMAINS by Janice Kay Davidson, READY FOR LOVE by Gwyneth Bolton, THE BAKER'S WIFE by Erin Healy and ... well, I could go on, but I'm sure you're eager to hop over to HEA to say hi. But before you go, you can leave a comment here and I'll choose two random commenters to win the first book in my True trilogy, TRUE VISION. Please remember to leave your e-mail address!
When you're done with that, here's where to find Happy Ever After: And you can find out more about the street cred of HEA’s mistress (that’s me!) at
Let the romance novel love begin.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Two SWEET Chances to Chat!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
SWEET REVENGE Release Day Party (Part Five)
The prize includes:
$25 Barnes and Noble or Amazon gift card (winners choice)
A box of books, hard back and paperback, including several from NYT bestselling authors
Two Last Chance Rescue books of your choice
Here's the quiz:
Name the one person, according to Noah, that Last Chance Rescue could not live without.
Ready. Set. Post!
SWEET REVENGE Release Day Party (Part Four)
SWEET REVENGE Release Day Party (Part Three)
SWEET REVENGE Release Day Party (Part Two)
SWEET REVENGE is here!!!

Happy Release Day to Dylan and Jamie! I can't tell you how excited I am about SWEET REVENGE. Writing this book was a labor of love for me. No characters have intrigued me, frustrated me and enthralled me as much as these two. I hope you enjoy their adventures and that SWEET REVENGE becomes one of your favorite LCR books.