Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best Book This Year Contest

Hi All, though my contests are usually several contests throughout the day, with the first commenter winning, I'm on deadline, which means I need to be writing. LAST CHANCE is due in a month!

So here's the deal. I'll choose (actually will let my husband choose) a random commenter.

Here's the challenge. Please name the BEST book you've read this year. And just so my feelings won't get hurt or I won't have the ego the size of Alabama, I'll eliminate my books from the challenge.

I'll announce the winner at 6:00 PM CST and will have another contest then, with a bit more of a challenge.

Oh, prize? $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble and a signed copy of RESCUE ME.

So, you have several hours to give me the name of the the BEST book you've read this year. And, if you like, tell me why you thought it was the best book.

It doesn't have to be romance, but let's keep it a fiction book.

Hope you have a great day! See you at 6:00!


Mary G said...

Hi Christy
Best book I read this year (besides yours) is Sweet Restraint by Beth Kery. It has the most beautiful phrasing. I have bookmarks all through it.

Christy Reece said...

Mary, sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks!

storylady said...

Best book would be I heard That Song Before. It's a mystery involving a heroine who is trying to remember a childhood memory locked deep inside.
I love a good mystery, and this one keeps you guessing till the end.
I love mysteries of any kind,including romance, so I would love to win a copy of your book.

Chicki Brown said...

By far, the best book I've read this year was The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax.

Wendy depicted the trials and tribulations working romance/women's fiction writers. It was wonderful!

allie said...

Hi Christy,

Wow, I've read so many great books this year. Right now I'm reading To Tempt the Wolf by Terry Spear. It is so much fun and very hard to put down! Have a great day!

Mary G said...

BTW - I already have your book.
Just visiting.

flip said...

Warded Man by Peter Brett I usually read books written by women, Simon Green and Jim Butcher being the exception. I also slant toward romance. Yet I loved this book. It is a debut novel and one of the best fantasy novels that I have read in a long time. It takes place in a medieval like world in which darkness is a fearful time. Unless you are protected by warded walls, you will fall victim to demons who rise at night. There are three story lines with three very different protagonist. This story had great character development, the plot was intriguing and the world-building was a mix of the familar and exotic.
My 16 year old son also loved this book.

flip at tetonvalley dot net

Unknown said...

The best book I read so far this year was Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult. It was one of those books that touched on many subjects and took you on a roller coaster, from laughing to tears to the final question of what would you do if you were in the place of the characters. If you love heavy books this is a must read and in true Picoult fashion the end is one you wouldn't expect.

Blodeuedd said...

Best this year, oh hard since I have read so many great ones. But I must go with Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon since he has such a haunting voice

mary said...

The Siege is by far the best! I like anything by Stephen White.

Terry said...

Ghost of Summer by Sally Steward - that's the best one I've read so far. And, I know it's an old one (10 years now) but, I love the way she weaves the paranormal and romance together with friendship and angst. :) Of course, I can't wait to read your book and hope I win!! :)


ErinT said...

My favorite book I have read this year so far is One Reckless Summer by Toni Blake. It was a book that had everything, laughs, tears, and of course my favorite part, hot and steamy love scenes! It's one of those books that when I put it down I couldn't wait to spread the word about it. I cannot wait for the rest of the books in this series to come out!
PS Christy yours were great too!

CrystalGB said...

The best book I have read this year has been Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland.
Thank you for the contest.

Anonymous said...

Best book I read was " A Little Less Talk And Alot More Action" by Luanne Mclane. I laughed all the way through it. My husband and children got to the point where they were laughing everytime I did. I finally had to tell them to read the book so I could finish reading it. :)

Crystal (cmac) said...

The best book I have read this year is Hot Pursuit by Suzanne Brockmann! I have been reading her trouble shooters series awhile now and absolutely love them. I am really into books that have the same characters in a series. It makes me feel like I actually get to know them personally. You don't find those run out and buy it as soon as it hits the shelf books very often. That is the same reason I fell in love with the LCR books! You authors that can pull that off are few and far between.

ladylisa30 said...

Greetings from Boston!! My best book was Cutting Edge by Allison Brennan. I love when characters are carried over to other books and their stories told. Who else does that?????????? Smiles!!

Vanessa Kelly said...

Hi Christy,

The best book I've read this year is Eloisa James'A Duke of Her Own. Runner-up: One Reckless Summer, by Toni Blake.

soche said...

I've read 118 books this year and my favorite is Deja Demon by Julie Kenner.

Kara C said...

The best book I've read this year? Seriously, just one book? If I can narrow it down to one book, I deserve to win. LOL.
I really, really, like some of the books already mentioned, and I completely agree with cmac that a really good series is hard to find, but well worth the search, including Troubleshooters and LCR.
That being said, my favorite book read most recently is One Scream Away by Kate Brady. She was able to maintain a great balance of suspense, drama, romance, and banter between characters. Sounds like another great author I know...

mariska said...

My best book for me is The hunger games by Suzanne Collins. I just couldn't believe that the book was 'wow' when i found the first chapter wasn't good. But i kept reading it till the end. And i did bring my e-book to the bathroom coz it just hard to put it down even for awhile ;)
cuniquas at gmail dot com

Mary G said...

Congrats Vanessa. You will enjoy & you get to read all 3 books without waiting!! I loved One Reckless Summer too BTW.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, after removing all your books from the stack that i have read so far this year, my choice would have to be slave to love by nikita black.

the book had wonderful charachters, GREAT mystery,and a completely unexpected TWIST at the end which left me thinking about it for days afterward.

thank you for the contest. i love reading all the comments and learning about new books and authors and it is always gratifying to see another person who has enjoyed a book that i have read and enjoyed also...

man, i hope that made sense...

Christy Reece said...

Thanks, everyone! I got some great ideas for some fabulous books to read!