Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday's Contest Question

Good Saturday All!

Yesterday was so much fun. Thanks for all the great recommendations!

Today let's talk about tear jerker romances. Without a happy ending, it's not a romance to me, however, I do love strong emotions in a book. Stories and characters that seem so real, you literally feel as though you're going through the anguish with them. I love stories where characters go through some sort of trauma or grave event that challenges them and I so enjoy celebrating with them when they overcome, realizing they're stronger than they thought they were. I don't mind they have to work for that happy ever after as long as there will be one. My characters tend to do that from time to time in my own books. I love to read them and write them too.

So, here's the challenge:


Remember, there must be a happy ending but along the way, there were tears for you and the characters.

Let's see how many different ones we come up. Here are mine:

CRY NO MORE by Linda Howard
REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers
DARK WATERS by Sharon Sala
SARAH'S CHILD by Linda Howard
LETTERS TO KELLEY by Suzanne Brockmann

The top three had me closing the book several times and just sobbing.

As a reminder, one post, per person, per day and you'll get your name in Tuesday's grand prize drawing.

So let's have some fun today and talk about crying!

What's on your list?


Ida Brugler said...

and it's a good thing i had my coffee.LOL
only 5. i can do only 5. just 5 (reminding myself)

1.Sherrilyn Kenyon's- ACHERON

2.Christy Reece's- Return To Me (have i said how much i love Noah and Samara?)

3.Charlaine Harris's- Sweet and Deadly

4.Pamela Palmer's- Desire Untamed

5.Angela Knight's- Master of Dragons

Look Christy only 5

Ida Brugler said...

Oh, and by the way. i do not cry. i just get something in my eyes, and they start to water on me. My house must be dusty.

Unknown said...


The Pact by Jodi Picoult
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
A Walk to Remember by Sparks
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens (This book gets me everytime)

Connie T said...

I am not a crier. That being said, only one book has made me actually cry. It was Suzanne Brockmann's The Unsung Hero.

oklanannie said...

I agree with Ida that there was "something in my eyes" while reading parts of "Return to Me" but I also include "Run to Me" and "Rescue Me" as well!

Others are my list are:

"Dark of Night" - Suzanne Brockmann (b/c it was the hardest HEA I ever had to swallow - it just wasn't right for me!)

"Perfect" - Judith McNaught
(Zach's letter to Julie!)

"Rainwater" - Sandra Brown
(something totally different from SB but a wonderful story)

"The Time Traveler's Wife" - Audrey Niffenager

"Fallen from Grace" - Laura Leone

"One Tuesday Morning" - Karen Kingsbury

Hope everyone has a Super Saturday!

Kara C said...

I don't cry very often when reading either, which is funny since my older son says I cry about everything! A couple of books that do come to mind though are Lisa Kleypas' Blue Eyed Devil and Robyn Carr's Paradise Valley.
I really liked Unsung Hero and Sarah's Child too, and could see where they could both bring tears!
Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Lorelei said...

1. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
2. Cry No More by Linda Howard
3. Sweet Lullaby by Lorraine Heath
4. Cry No More by Linda Howard
5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Jackie P said...

1. Cloud Nine by Luanne Rice

2. Finding Noel by Richard Paul Evans and any of his books after

3. The Host by Stephenie Meyers

4. Sophie's Choice I don't remember the author

5. Petals On The Wind by V.C. Andrews
Julia London has a new book out called the Summer of Two Wishes that I heard was a real tear jerker. I have it but now I am to afraid to read it! LOL

Kara C said...

Oh, Jackie P, I forgot about Summer of Two Wishes! I haven't read it either but it sounds good. Yet another book to add to the list! lol

Jackie P said...

Kara, if you read it soon let me know. I was trying to think of real tear jerkers. I usually don't cry that much either. Run To Me had me going. I guess that is why I am soooo excited about March's Second Chance.

Jane said...

1. Judith McNaught's "A Kingdom of Dreams
2. Lisa Kleypas' "Again the Magic"
3. Susan Mallery's "Accidentally Yours"

Mary G said...

Okay I'll behave today.

Dream A Little Dream - SEP
Felicity Stripped Bare-Vanessa Jaye
Diamond Spur-Susan Kyle
Dance Of Seduction-Elle Kennedy
This Heart Of Mine-SEP

Christy Reece said...

Sorry I'm late in responding. Went to breakfast with the hubby and did a bit of shopping too.

Great lists everyone but wow, you're really playing by the rules today!

I'll admit to be a bit of a cry baby, especially in books, movies, news stories and okay, commercials too. The top three of my list of five are the only ones I can remember where I just closed the book and had a boo-hoo fest. And though I don't read the last page of the book to make sure it's a happy ending, I usually try to make sure that it is. Which is one of the greatest things about romance--the happy ending.

Keep'em coming if you think of more. I only listed five because those are the ones I remember really touching me.

Oh, wait...just thought of another: Sweet Baby by Sharon Sala. Anyone read it? Absolutely lovely story but so emotional.

Kara C said...

I have Sweet Baby in that legendary closet of mine waiting to be read. lol I'll add it to the 'books on deck' - those I should get to in the next few days.

Ida Brugler said...

Now who is changing the rules? LOL. i was being so good. i have so many more to add. i will try not to.

Christy Reece said...

Kara, let me know what you think about Sweet Baby. It's been years since I read it but I remember crying. And that was long before I became the crier I am today. (o;

Christy Reece said...

Ida, come on back and add some more. I've only added 100 or so books to my TBR list. Shooting for 200 before the contest ends! So go for it!

Lulu said...

Okay, I can only come up with two but one of them should count as five since the the whole, damn series made me cry (Gabaldon).

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Cry No More by Linda Howard

Ida Brugler said...

OK, I can not take it any longer.
I am not sure if all these will count, but they will make you catch your breath a bit.

6.Holliday Inn by Phyiils Bourne & others( sorry had to repeat this one)
7. A Secret Rage by Charlaine Harris
8. Shakespere's Counslor also by Charlaine Harris
9. Run To Me by Christy Reece
10. Rescue Me By Christy Reece
(really check out her work its wonderful)
(11-14 Sherrilyn Kenyon)
11. Devil May Cry
12. Unleash the night
13. Night Play
14. Sins Of the night
15. Navajo Courage by Aimee Thurlo
16. A Sielent Fury by Lynette Eason
17. Christmas Guardian by Delores Fossen
18. Touched by Light by Catherine Spangler
19. So Still the Night by Kim Lenox
20. The Vampires Bride by Gena Showalter.
I will stop now and try not to think of anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ok 5 books tht made me tear up.

My sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
Bad Moon Rising/Acheron - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Forces of Nature - Suzanne Brockmann
Dangerous Lady - Martina Cole
Return to me - Christy Reece

Also my fav authors n some of my fav books :)

Christy Reece said...

Ida, awesome list!

But let me ask everyone something. Do you need a happy ending? I do, but maybe I'm odd. *Snort* Okay, I know I am but you need to know when you close the book that the couple will be in a deep, satisfying relationship for years?

Christy Reece said...

Lulu, I think I might be one of five people in the Universe who hasn't read Outlander. I want to...I really do. I'm sure it's fabulous, but it just looks so big and daunting. But oh my, hundreds of thousands of people have loved it.

Christy Reece said...

Oklanannie, Sandra Brown's Rainwater sounds wonderful. And Zach was such a wonderful hero in Perfect, wasn't he? I just think Judith McNaught books are so wonderfully romantic. Did I say that yesterday? I think I did, but it bears repeating!

Kim F. said...

Okay, let's see,

Mercury's War- Lora Leigh
Acheron- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Lover Awakened- JR Ward
This little Heart of Mine-SEP
Dawn's Awakening-Lora Leigh

Christy Reece said...

Sarah, I think Jodi Picoult is an incredible author. I've only read 1 1/2 of hers. The one I finished was about a ghost...can't remember the title. The other was My Sister's Keeper. Couldn't finish it because I could see there was not going to be the HEA I so wanted. But I do think she's a fabulous writer!

Christy Reece said...

Kim F. I remember Dawn's Awakening. In the earlier book, where Dawn's first introduced, I was wondering how on earth, after what she had been through, could Lora Leigh give her a realistic HEA, but she pulled it off very well! Great book!

Christy Reece said...

Lorelei, can't believe I didn't mention Loraine Heath. I think I've cried with just about every one of her books I've read. She really knows how to pull the heartstrings.

Oh, and someone else who can do that so well is Catherine Anderson. Both of these authors are fabulous!

Christy Reece said...

Jackie, I know that Cole has a special place in your heart and that makes me so happy! Second Chance was a labor of love because I fell in love with Cole too. He went through so much pain, but hopefully you'll smile once you close his book!

Christy Reece said...

Connie, Unsung Hero was my very first Suzanne Brockmann book. Oh my gosh, so wonderful! Amazing talent!

Christy Reece said...

Jane, in Kingdom of Dreams, at the end...oh my goodness. My sobs could be heard round the block. Such a wonderful book.

Christy Reece said...

Mary, Dream A Little Dream was the very first SEP book I read. I was addicted from then on. Absolutely beautiful (see, I'm trying to stay away from wonderful) read!

And, if I'm not mistaken, I shed several tears in Ain't She Sweet, especially at the end.

oklanannie said...

Christy, I'm one of the "five" b/c I just can't get into Gabaldon's 600+ page "Outlander". Many of my friends have pushed. Neither can I read Mary Balogh's books. I'm just beginning my journey into making a dent in the historical genre.

I've read all of JD Robb's "In Death" series and love it! Last winter I read them back to back on a challenge from book club members. And then I jumped into J.R. Ward's "Black Dagger Brotherhood" books. I liked the first four of them really well. Although I finished them all, it was downhill for me after that fourth one. I've been told I definitely should read her new one "Covet". I'm hedging on that one.

As for Jodi Picoult, she's a wonderful writer and I've read several of her books but everytime I'm left feeling unhappy. I didn't read "My Sister's Keeper" but I did see the movie. Sad, sad, sad.

I didn't mean to write an epic. I've just enjoyed these posts so much that it's hard not to ramble on and on.

In answer to your question, I prefer a solid HEA.

Christy Reece said...

Kerry, and others, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm so glad I made you cry! That makes me so happy!

And in case you wondered, yes, I cried when I wrote them. Bet that doesn't surprise anyone though!

Christy Reece said...

Oklanannie, read Mary Balogh! She's fabulous! Heartbreaker and Silent Melody are two of my favorite books of all time. A good solid tug on the heartstrings for sure!

Kara C said...

To answer your question, I didn't think, until recently, that I required a HEA. However, just recently I read an installment from a new series. Loved the book, but one of the secondary couples was left hanging. I couldn't stand it! I think they'll get their HEA, but the waiting, and not knowing, is torture!
You cried while writing those incredibly emotional scenes with your characters? After all your confessions this weekend of being 'tear prone',you're right, not surprised at all. lol
LOVE so many of Catherine Anderson's books! How did I leave her out?

Jennifer D. said...

I don't usually cry - but I will tear up a little bit. These are the books that make me misty during certain scenes.

Suz Brockmann - Into the Fire
Linda Howard - Sarah's Child
When he was wicked - Julia Quinn
Kat Martin - Perfect Sin
Judith McNaught - Paradise

mariska said...

i'm gonna try to recall whether i had read another romance author, and i guess i had read some books from ;

- Danielle Steel, um, The Promise

- Jody Picoult, My sister's Keeper

- A walk to remember, Nicholas Sparks ( i saw the movie so many times, and i still cried at the end)

Ida Brugler said...

It must have a HEA. I am the type of person that wants everyone to have a HEA. Call me crazy!
I can not stand the words "TO BE CONTINUED" so i try to stay away fron those kind of books. I have a few series and have to get them all and read in one setting.
I have never read Outlander.
I am having a hard time getting into The Black Dagger Brotherhood. (i know don't hate me)

oklanannie said...

Kara C - would the HEA you're hoping for in that new series involve Alex and Rebel?
If so, I share your anxiety. If it's the series I'm thinking it is, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two books.

I have read "Summer of Two Wishes" and highly recommend it. I believe it is one of London's best. The story is quite heart-wrenching at times.

Has anyone read Jennifer Haymore's debut book "A Hint of Wicked"? The story plot in this historical is similar to London's contemp, although it pulled more at my heartstrings.

Kara C said...

You guessed it! Surely, they'll get their HEA? I like that series too. Really thought the 2nd book read like a Suzanne Brockmann book, who is one of my favorites!
Sorry, Christy, a bit off topic here, but your question about HEA brought back my anxiety about this couple! lol Must mean the author did her job, huh?

Kim F. said...

Kara C. and Oklanannie,
But didn't you knid of enjoy Rebel and Wade?

Kim F. said...

Forgot to say earlier but I really, really need the HEA. It completes the story, I don't always need an epilogue but I do need a HEA.

Christy Reece said...

Kara, absolutely the author did her job! To satisfy you but leave you wanting more. Exactly what an author strives for!

Feel free to talk amongst yourselves tonight. I'm going off line till tomorrow. I'm in the midst of watching It's a Wonderful Life and reading. LOL. I can occasionally multitask!

Great day everyone. Be sure to come back tomorrow for another great discussion!

Ida Brugler said...

see i knew you could do it! LOL

oklanannie said...

Kim F. - I'm not sure I totally trust Wade yet! Sorta feel like there may be more to him than we've seen so far (an I'm thinking it may not be good). Just guessing - nothing concrete. He does sound yummy though. But I'm still pulling for a HEA for Rebel and Alex!

Looking forward to tomorrow's question from Christy and the great discussions that follow.

Jackie P said...

I have to have a HEA. I just read this great book and the husband was such a jerk and it just turned out like life sometimes turns out, WRONG. I need a HEA. Oh, someone mentioned The Promise. That was a real tear jerker.

Modokker said...

Mr Perfect- Linda Howard
Accidentally Yours- Susan Mallery
Rescue Me- Cristy Reece
Easy on the Eyes- Jane Porter
Deadly Deceptions- Linda Lael Miller
Deadly Gamble- Linda Lael Miller

Ok that's 5 but i know there are alot more.

I like a boog who has a little of everything. Suspense, Comedy and Romace. Mr Perfect is a perfect example.

Mary G said...

Yes Kara!!
I forgot Catherine Anderson too. Probably because she has not had a new one for a while. Baby Love is still my fave. One book I have to mention because it has an unusual HEA is Steve's Story by Jess Dee. So different that when I wrote her to compliment her on her bravery for writing such a book, she thanked me for telling her & that her writer friends tried to talk her out of it. It's a book that is still with me 3 weeks later. Talk to you all later today.

Christy Reece said...

Great discussion everyone! I'll be a bit late posting Sunday's question. Have some running around to do after church. But to get you prepared, give some thought to laughter.

Be back with you in a few hours!

robinky42 said...

Acheron--Sherrilyn Kenyon
Run to me--Christy Reece
The First Sin--Cheyenne McCray
Don't let go--Marliss Melton
Dawn's awakening--Lora Leigh

ErinT said...

Ok, I hope I am not too late getting in on these discussions, I only just learned about them by friending Christy on facebook.
Here's my list:

1. Kiss An Angel by SEP
2. Cry No More by Linda Howard
3. The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks
4. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
5. Return To Me by Christy Reece
6. Wanting What You Get by Kathy Love

I have gotten so many more ideas for books to read! Thanks Ladies!