Hi All-
Standing over the body of a Supreme Court nominee, Lieutenant Sam Holland is hip-deep in another high-profile murder case. The fact that she was one of the last people to see Julian Sinclair alive just complicates things even more. On the plus side, her relationship with Senator Nick Cappuano is heating up—but it's also attracting a lot of unwanted media attention and blinding flash bulbs.
The pressure is on for Sam to find Sinclair's killer, but a new lead in her father's unsolved shooting puts her in unexpected danger. When long-buried secrets threaten to derail her relationship with Nick, Sam realizes that while justice can be blind, mixing romance with politics has the potential to be fatal...
Sam and Nick: The Next Chapter
By: Marie Force
Hello to Christy and all the Reece’s Pieces! Thanks for having me over to talk about Fatal Justice, book 2 in my Fatal Series. The series began last June with Fatal Affair, which introduced readers to Sam Holland and Nick Cappuano (Christy’s lovely quote about Fatal Affair adorns the cover of Fatal Justice—thank you again for that!) Six years after a memorable one-night stand, Sam, a cop, and Nick, chief of staff to a U.S. senator, reconnect to figure out who murdered his boss—and best friend. Fatal Justice opens with each of them being promoted—Sam becomes a lieutenant and Nick takes the oath of office to finish the last year of his friend’s term in the Senate.
The biggest challenge of writing this book about a newly in love couple was keeping their relationship challenged and conflicted. Conflict is, of course, where all the fun begins, and for some twisted reason, I love torturing these two people I love so much! Just when things are going really well for Sam and Nick, enter Lt. Stahl, Sam’s long-time nemesis in the police department. Here’s a little piece of what Stahl has in store for Sam in Fatal Justice:
Sam’s good mood once again dissipated when she found Lieutenant Stahl waiting for her in the office that used to be his.
“I need to call maintenance.” She flipped on the lights and hung her coat on a hook behind the door. “The rat traps they set in here clearly aren’t working.”
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
The revolting wiggle of his double chin made her want to puke.
“Things not working out for you in the rat squad?” she asked, referring to his new post in the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau.
“Actually, I’m settling right in.” He bit a chunk of skin off his cuticle and spit it onto the floor.
Sam made a mental note to stay away from that corner of the office until it was fumigated.
“And you’re my first order of business.”
“I’m flattered.”
His beady eyes narrowed. “You won’t be so mouthy when your sordid affair with a witness gets you busted down to patrol.”
She leaned on her desk to look him in the eye. “Three words, Lieutenant: Bring. It. On.”
Fuming, he hauled his portly ass out of the chair. “Your wish is my command.” He slapped a piece of paper on her desk. “Administrative hearing next week. Be there, and be ready to explain yourself.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” she said, taking a shallow breath to short-circuit the pain grinding in her belly.
“Don’t think your precious daddy can get you out of this one, Lieutenant.” He stopped at the door and turned to leave her with a greasy smile. “And you’d better enjoy that title while you can. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll be thankful for a night security job at a parking garage.”
Sam let him have the last word because she couldn’t have spoken if she had to. The moment she was alone she lowered herself into her chair and fought to breathe through the pain. This was not how she wanted to start her first day.
I’m really excited to get Fatal Justice out to readers this week! You can find it athttp://ebooks.carinapress.comunder the Romantic Suspense tab. This is the start of a big year for Sam and Nick. Coming up in February, we’ll be asking readers to help us plan their wedding. Watch my website (www.mariesullivanforce.com) and blog (http://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com) for more information about how you can participate in the wedding planning and qualify to win some great prizes. Then in July, watch for book 3, Fatal Consequences. In September, we’ll release the Fatal wedding novella, Fatal Destiny, and then comes Fatal Flaw in February 2012.
I’d be happy to take any questions today about the Fatal Series or any of my other books (including my Feb. 1 release, Everyone Loves a Hero). Sam and Nick are available to answer any questions you may have for them as well. We can talk about writing, parenting teenagers, dealing with a wild-child puppy or why it is that I can’t stop watching the Kardashians. Sky’s the limit! I’ll give away a copy of Fatal Justice to one of you so fire away. Looking forward to chatting with you all!
Marie Force is the author of FATAL AFFAIR (June 2010) and FATAL JUSTICE (Jan. 2011), Books 1 and 2 in her new Fatal Series from Harlequin’s Carina Press. Book 3, FATAL CONSEQUENCES, is coming in July 2011, FATAL DESTINY in September 2011 and FATAL FLAW in February 2012. “This novel is ‘The O.C. does D.C.,’ and you just can’t get enough.” (RT Book Reviews, 4.5 stars for FATAL AFFAIR). In its July 2010 issue, RT Book Reviews named Marie a “Future Star of Romantic Suspense.”
Marie is the author EVERYONE LOVES A HERO (Feb. 2011), LINE OF SCRIMMAGE (Sept. 2008) andLOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT (July 2009). Of LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, Booklist said, “With its humor and endearing characters, Force’s charming novel will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers, reaching far beyond sports fans.” Wild on Books said, “LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT by Marie Force is most definitely a keeper. It is an astounding book. I loved every single word!” Marie is also the author of TRUE NORTH and THE FALL, available as ebooks via Amazon.com and Smashwords.
Since 1996, Marie has been the communications director for a national organization similar to RWA. She is a member of RWA’s New England, From the Heart and Published Author Special Interest Chapters.
While her husband was in the Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island. She is the mother of Emily, 15, Jake, 12, and a feisty dog named Brandy.
Find her atwww.mariesullivanforce.com, on her blog athttp://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com, where she runs the popular weekly Romance & Oreos Book Club, on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/pages/Marie-Force/248130827909, and on Twitter at twitter.com/MarieForce. Marie loves to hear from readers. Contact her atmarie@marieforce.com.
Hi Christy!
Thanks so much for having me over to play with you and the gang today! Looking forward to it!
Marie is in the house!! woot woot!!
Congrats again on the release, I'm looking forward to the rest of the Fatal series (especially the wedding planning) and Everyone Loves a Hero.
Marie, your books sound really interesting - I need to download one and check it out. I still have your email from last week - I need to email you about which one to read first! You mentioned how hard it is to write a continuing story - how many books are planned about Sam & Nick?
Hi Marie!
I just started reading Fatal Justice last night and I'm loving it. I'm so ticked I had to put it down to go to work today...Grrr!
BTW...learning Sam is a fellow Bon Jovi fan made me love her even more LOL :-)
Hi Shelly,
If you are interested in the Fatal books, you can read Fatal Affair first. They are all set up to be "stand alone," meaning if you read them out of order it won't impact your enjoyment of each story, but I know most people like to read a series in order. As for how many books there will be... I really have no idea. I guess I will write them for as long as the readers seem to enjoy them. I'm hoping the complex setting of Washington politics and murder will give me tons of fodder for many years and many books to come! :-)
As for the other books, it depends on what you're in the mood for! If you check out my website at www.mariesullivanforce.com, under About the Books, you will see some info about each of my contemporaries. Feel free to drop me a line if you have other questions! Thanks again for your interest in my books!
Hi Marie
My lovely hubby bought me a big Amazon voucher to use for my Kindle to keep me going as he's off on military duty for 6 months on Saturday and, when I finish the current series I'm reading, your two Fatal books are next on my list. Can't wait to read them especially as they're recommended by Christy who is one of my most favourite authors.
LOL Alison! It stinks when life gets in the way of reading! And LOL on the Bon Jovi. My editor was moaning and groaning about Sam's lousy taste in music and I had to tell her that I too am a Bon Jovi fan from way back when. I mean, LOOK at the guy! Sheesh! We have had lots of back and forth about that--comical! Thanks for buying Fatal Justice! I hope you enjoy the rest! :-)
Hi Beca,
First off, please give your hubby my regards and thanks for his service. As a former military spouse, you have my gratitude as well. I did one of those six-month deployments when my kids were babies and let me just say, it was not my favorite time. I hope the time flies by for all of you.
Thanks so much for checking out the Fatal books. I really hope you enjoy them!
Good Morning everyone...I was a late comer to the Fatal series (DANG Santa wanted to wait to bring me my e-reader) but I absolutely loved the first book and can't wait to read the second. I successfully downloaded it yesterday (a great accomplishment for a non-techno like me). The banter between Nick and Sam cracks me up, and the way they pick on each other...LOVE IT. I can tell you now, I don't like that Stahl character, he is going to cause some major problems, I can feel it. I can't wait for the wedding planning YAY a party!!! I guess my question would be, does Nick and Sam plan a baby or I guess the better question is, does Marie plan for them to have a baby?
Hey Hope,
LOL on Lt. Stahl. He is going to cause them some BIG trouble in Fatal Justice and in future books, as well. He's the thorn in Sam's side for sure! I'm so glad you enjoyed Fatal Affair so much, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Fatal Justice.
Ahhhh, the baby question... Well, not to give anything away for those who haven't read FA yet, but Sam has had some fertility issues in the past that will continue to dog her going forward. I won't say anything more than that, except that Sam and Nick WILL have some sort of family. Whether it will be a Brad & Angelina kind of family with some adopted and some their own remains to be seen. ;-)
Thanks for the great question!
Hi Christy, Marie and gang!
Hope covered my "baby" question regarding the delightful and entertaining Sam and Nick!! I love the FATAL series and am so glad that there is more to come! I love a good wedding and look forward to the "planning." FATAL JUSTICE is loaded and ready to read this afternoon!
Wow! Marie has kept me entertained over the holidays. Read both TRUE NORTH and THE FALL. Fantastic e-reads! If you haven't downloaded - shame on you! You're missing some truly great entertainment. There's humor and romance, there's emotional drama and romance, there's sadness and romance, there's happy times and romance, there's joy and romance, there's -- well you get the picture -- and oh yes -- there's lots of ROMANCE!!!
And just to add another little yippee -- EVERYONE LOVES A HERO will delight Marie's fans as well as anyone who loves a great contemporary romance. The characters and their story will steal your heart in many ways!
Hope everyone enjoys a fabulous day!
Okay, just for the record, I did NOT pay Anne for that glowing endorsement! LOL! How lucky am I to have made such lovely friends through my books? Thank you so much, Anne! I really appreciate your support and efforts to spread the word about my books. You are a treasure! Hope you enjoy Fatal Justice!
I didn't know you are addicted to the Kardashians! My favorite now is "Mario Lopez: Saved by the Baby." Who knew what a crazy control freak that cutie pie is!
Ohhh, Mario Lopez... Might have to check that out. The Kardashian show is one of my dirty little secrets. My daughter (15) is HORRIFIED by my addiction to all things Kim, Klohe and Kourtney. It's a sickness I tell you! My daughter caught me misty-eyed during Bruce's emotional rehearsal dinner speech before Khloe's wedding and she was freaking out about me CRYING over the Kardashians. LOL! Who is the parent here???
DITTO...on everything Anne said about True North, the Fall and Everyone Loves a Hero :-)
I didn't pay Alison, either! LOL! Thank you so much for that. I'm so glad you like the books! :-)
LOL...Marie didn't pay me, but if she could tell me how the Kardashian girls get their hair to be so gorgeous I would PAY her!!
Whatever the secret is, I don't have it. Just check my hair in the AM when I look like Nick Nolte's mug shot. My daughter on the other hand, has Kim Kardashian hair. She goes to bed with a knotted mess on the top of her head and wakes up with super model hair. Let's just say she didn't get THAT from ME! LOL
I first heard about Marie's books from the gals on Christy's blog -- so everyone should get an endorsement fee Maybe one of them can recommend which book to read first??
Hey Marie! I love it when we have a party on Christy's blog!
Fatal Affair was the first book I bought and downloaded on my Nook. I just couldn't wait to read it. So many of people recommended it on Christy's Recommend Monday and I didn't think I was ever going to get it. Thank goodness Santa was feeling so nice. I really enjoyed reading Fatal Affair and can't wait to read Fatal Justice! Sam and Nick are addicting!
That is so sweet of you to say, Crystal! I hope they are addicting enough to carry this series for a while. :-) I really appreciate all the people who have made Fatal Affair their first download. I've heard that a lot since Santa came to visit! :-)
Shelly, the one you should read first is Fatal Affair, no wait, Line of Scrimmage, no wait, True North, NO WAIT The Fall...WAIT...I can't decide, they are all good :) Enjoy!!!
Hi, Marie! Christy, thanks for having Marie today! Happy release day, Marie! Can't wait to get all caught up with Sam and Nick!
Hey again everyone! So good to see so many comments already. Looks like we've got some good discussion going!
Want to say a special thank you to Becs for dropping by. Hope you'll come by often! And an extra special thank you to your husband and your entire family for his service. He has my undying gratitude!
Marie, welcome again. Hope you had a terrific release day yesterday and that millions of FJs zoomed to e-readers everywhere.
I have two questions: Do you base any of your characters on people you know? That Lt. Stahl is one guy who's very easy to hate! Also, do we find out what's wrong with Sam's stomach in FJ?
LOL--Hope is also NOT on my payroll and no animals were harmed in the making of these public service announcements. :-) You guys make me smile. Thank you!
Fedora, great to see you here! You are always so faithful to me!
Thanks again for the chance to chat with your lovely reader pals. Ah yes, Lt. Stahl is a hateful kind of guy. When I was developing his character, I figured there would have to be some people within the department that resented Sam's rise through the ranks and believed that was due largely to who her father had been in the department. So it was fun to develop Stahl as her nemesis. He is rather one-dimensional at first, but I do expect to further develop his character in future books.
YES, you will find out what's wrong with Sam's stomach in FJ, and it's a scene that makes me laugh every time I read it. Hope you all will get a chuckle out of it, too. Nick's doctor friend Harry, who sees Sam in FJ, was so fun to write that I brought him back in Fatal Consequences and he'll appear in future books as well.
Wow, you guys started with a bang this morning. I'm peering over my stacks of paperwork to wave frantically and say HELLO! to all! Can't wait until more people are finished with FJ so I can talk without fear of spilling all the deep dark sexy secrets. ;-)
Hey Ronlyn,
Thanks for taking a break from the paper to say hello!
Ronlyn reminds me to note that on Jan. 20 we will take on Fatal Justice at book club on my blog at http://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com
I'll offer up free copies of both FA and FJ that day AND we'll talk about the upcoming wedding planning promotion, too! Everyone is welcome to stop by!
So, I'll throw this out to everyone: What other characters are on your radar?
I have had a blast with Marie's books though her timing on recommending was bad. She gives me a really GOOD Rec then her book comes out and I had to put down the Rec at a good part cause I had to have my fix of Sam & Nick. Sigh.... :) It was DEFINATELY the right choice. :)
Oh, Ronlyn! That's a loaded question . . .
I plead the fifth, Jackie! LOL! Thanks for stopping everything for Fatal Justice! You're the best!
Ronlyn, let's just say that ALL those characters you mentioned are on MY radar. I just had a beyond brilliant idea for a new storyline for Skip in a future book. One that will ROCK Sam's world. :-) You know how I love to rock her world!
giiiiirl! I can't wait to hear your grand ideas!
Sam is, without a doubt, one of my all-time favorite heroines. Congrats on the release of another great book, Marie.
hope - let's not forget love at first flight.
marie - I'm thinking we should all get to be bridesmaids for the wedding!
Kris, I haven't read L@FF yet...I downloaded it, but I got stuck on Virgin River and can't let goooo....lol. That one is next after FJ for sure.
Hi all
Marie, I loved FJ. I think this is the first series I've read with recurring leads and you kept it very fresh.
I loved the progression of Nick & Sam's romance. Gets hotter if possible LOL. I liked that you threw in the scene with Nick getting apprehensive, not just Sam all the time. I love that she keeps getting the upper hand with Stahl.
I loved the other characters and their interactions with the leads. Freddie is adorably sexy & cute.
I know everyone can't have their own book but I'm sure you'll tie up everyone's stories in the end.
Without spoiling it for those who haven't read it, I love the showdown with the perp or perps (I'm not telling LOL).
I'm SO glad you stuck to your guns and insisted on a series & I'm glad Carina was smart enough to realize it had a winner!!
Thanks so much, Mary! I loved your recap! And I love the showdown with the perps, too—the way Sam orchestrates the whole thing with no one knowing what the hell she is thinking. :-)
I meant to say thank you to Kara for the high praise for Sam! She is without a doubt my favorite of all my heroines. She kicks some serious ass and takes no prisoners, but then other issues, such as her struggle with infertility, can reduce her to tears in a matter of seconds. I love that she has that side but keeps it well hidden from everyone but Nick and her sisters, and sometimes her dad.
I forgot to say too, very smart writing. I don't say that very often. The first author I ever said that to is our very own Christy.
Thanks, Mary! I feel dumb as a post when I finish one of these Fatal books, so I'm glad that doesn't come through in the books! LOL
Hi everyone!
I am almost done with the book im on now and have Fatal Affair set to start this evening when I get home. I see a nice long night of cuddling under the quilt on the couch and reading till I cant keep my eyes open : )
Thanks for the info on the website too Marie. I will have to check it out
Enjoy, Heather! Hope Sam and Nick keep you up all night--LOL!
Thanks again, Marie, for visiting with us. Congrats again and best wishes for Sam and Nick!
Thanks to everyone who came by for a chat or question!
We'll announce the winner of FATAL JUSTICE tomorrow, so be sure to check back!
The Fatal Justice winner is Shelly Estes! Congrats, Shelly! Email Marie at Marie@marieforce.com to arrange for delivery.
Thanks again, everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!
Congrats Shelly! Read any Marie book. You'll be happy. But Read FA before FJ. The others aren't a series.
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