Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary LCR!

Hi All-

RESCUE ME, the first book in the Last Chance Rescue series, was released on April 28, 2009. It's hard to believe it's only been a year. So much has happened during that time.

When I first started writing RESCUE ME, I had no plans to write a series and actually didn't even know about Last Chance Rescue until I started writing the book. I knew I wanted to write a story about a young girl who makes a terrible mistake in judgement and suffers horrific consequences because of that mistake. I knew she disappeared. And I knew the man who'd broken her heart would suffer an agonizing guilt and never stop looking for her.

I think the first spark of knowledge I had about Last Chance Rescue was in the third chapter of RESCUE ME. Eden bounds out of bed after her nightmare, works out till exhausted and then begins to get dressed. As she's dressing, she's thinking about her persona. And that's when I began to wonder who she's employed by and why. After what happened to her, I realized it only made sense that she work for an organization who rescues. No one was there to rescue Eden in her darkest moment and now she's determined to save others from the same fate.

When Eden arrives at the LCR office building and begins the elevator ride up to Noah's office, Last Chance Rescue was born. She described it to me; I wrote it down.

And then I met Noah McCall.

I loved Noah the instant Eden walked into his office. I knew he had secrets, was devastatingly handsome and infuriatingly arrogant. But there had to be good in him. A man doesn't create and totally devote his entire life to an organization like Last Chance Rescue without some major redeeming qualities. But I also knew he wasn't the man for Eden; Jordan still held her heart.

The more I learned about Last Chance Rescue, the more Noah intrigued me. So once Eden and Jordan's story was told and they got their happy ever after, I had to tell Noah's story. So I began to write RETURN TO ME and learned how much heart Noah McCall really did have.

And then I met Ethan Bishop and, of course, had to write RUN TO ME...

Every time I wrote an LCR book, a secondary character would appear, intriguing me to want to know more. Now, I'm in the midst of writing the 7th book in what is, so far, a 9 book series. Each hero and/or heroine in a book has been a secondary character in a previous book. I love having the opportunity to get to know my characters over a period of books. By the time I'm ready to write their story, I feel like I know them very well. Although, I'll admit that some have thrown me a curve ball from time to time. (Are you listening, Dylan?)

I love writing and I love Last Chance Rescue. However, these books would not have been possible without readers. I sincerely appreciate the letters, emails and messages I've received from readers who have enjoyed the LCR stories. They have sustained and inspired me more than anyone will ever know.

So, I thought it would be fun to chat about the Last Chance Rescue series...when did you first hear about it? Was RESCUE ME the first LCR book you read? If not, which one did you read first? Do you have a favorite couple, villain, scene or perhaps a favorite line (Jackie and Mary)?

I'll collect comments through Monday, May 3. On Tuesday, May 4, one random commenter will win a very special anniversary gift.

For anyone new to the Last Chance Rescue books, welcome to the series! All books are stand alone, so reading them in order is not necessary. And, for anyone wondering about characters and couples, here's a breakdown by title and order of release:

RESCUE ME - Eden St. Claire and Jordan Montgomery
RETURN TO ME - Noah McCall and Samara Lyons
RUN TO ME - Ethan Bishop and Shea Monroe
NO CHANCE - Gabe Maddox and Skylar James
SECOND CHANCE - Cole Mathison and Keeley Fairchild
LAST CHANCE - McKenna Sloan and Lucas Kane
SWEET REVENGE - Dylan Savage and ??????
SWEET JUSTICE - Honor Stone and ??????
SWEET REWARD - Mia Ryker and ???????

Of course, the last three haven't been written yet, so I don't want to spoil the surprises!

Thanks again to all the wonderful LCR readers! I look forward to reading your Last Chance Rescue comments!


Ronlyn said...

Most Happy Anniversary Christy!! So much fun this past year!
I'll have to say my favorite couple is still Noah and Samara, more because of my identifying so much with Samara on various levels and, how could I not like Noah?! LOL. Although, all your couples fit together so well, it's hard to pick just one (what is that, potato can't have just one).
Happy Hump day!

oklanannie said...

Happy Anniversary Christy and, of course, RESCUE ME! Thanks for writing such a fantastic series of books filled with exciting and wonderful characters. This has been an extraordinarily fun year of reading pleasure mixed with new friendships!

I'll have to think about my favorite LCR moments, characters, sayings, etc. before commenting. Just wanted to say thanks and wish you a great day!

Christi said...

Happy Anniversary, Christy!!! I just discovered your LCR books last month and have enjoyed EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!! I just picked up Last Chance yesterday and can't wait to read it....

My favorite storyline was Eden's and Jordan' riveting!
My favorite book was Run to Me although No Chance is a VERY CLOSE second.
I absolutely cannot pick out a favorite write them all so well. I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!

I hope that the series just continues on and on! I also LOVE the way that they are being released three in a is so much easier to keep up with a series that way.


Modokker said...

Happy Anniversary Christy! You've come a long way in a year! I found Rescue me in a used book store and was intrigued by the cover first as i usually am dn then i read the back and decided i NEEDED to read this book. I had never heard of you at this point either. Then i started reading and was hooked. I love Rescue Me. I can't believe you're on book number 7. Much to look forward to yet them right? lol

Congrats on your success and can't wait for the next 3 LCR books!


swells77 said...

Happy Anniversary Christy! I had a blast yestersday..too much fun. This is actually a funny story, I was in Kroger letting my crazy kids blow off some energy in the speciality section. I was scanning the books and saw NO CHANCE in the Featured Author section. I read about 5 chapters that day and was hooked. Went home and downloaded Rescue Me, Return to Me, Run to Me & No Chance immediately. My favorite Couple is Skylar James and Gabe Maddox with Ethan Bishop and Shea Monroe a very close second. Favorite scene is when Skye is being rescued by Gabe and she is fighting to stay in her dreamlike state afraid that if she wakes up Gabe will be gone (again). *sniffle*
Looking forward to the next installment of LCR...

Kara C said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! But seriously, our favorite characters, line, etc? You're kidding, right? How to choose?
RESCUE ME is near and dear to my heart because it started it all. I was also SO intrigued whiled reading it, because there aren't too many books when I get so angry with the lead characters. I remember wondering at one point if the book would actually end without me liking either Jordan or Noah. LOL (Turns out I like them both more than fine.) What's not to love about Noah's story? Of the first three, I guess I'd pick Ethan and Shea's story. It was just so stinkin' dramatic from first page to last! NO CHANCE had some very memorable scenes in it, but I was blown away by SECOND CHANCE. Maybe it's that teacher connection I feel with Cole, but that is one of the best books I've read in a very long time. But, then of course, Lucas and McKenna were not to be outdone. See? Can't pick just one. I'll go with Ronlyn's potato chip analogy. :)

Mary G said...


Happy Anniversary Christy.
I remember finding you after the first 2 books were already out & thinking I was so lucky I read them just before the 3rd book came out & I didn't have to wait. Then it was mostly Kara & I commenting. One by one the Reese's Peeces grew in number. It's so fun to share the love of books, especailly yours, with other like-minded readers.

I visit a lot of authors blogs. Never have I seen such generosity of spirit than this group. Never a mean word even when answering a request for a recommendation for a book not so well-liked - just straight talk.

I couldn't possible have a fave book as you covered all the premises I love: reunited lovers, secret baby etc. For sure I can't pick fave lines. I'll just give you the most recent:

"I couldn't have lived without ever knowing your taste"

"Her face was the canvas , his lips the paintbrush"

Your books are "HOT WITH A PLOT"
I love that they are all connected.

I wish you all the best Christy.
You are one of the nicest people I know. I love that you've made us like a family. I know it's just on-line but I have a feeling that you & the other Peeces are just as wonderful and funny in person.


Kara C said...

Now see, Mary,
You're gonna make the guest of honor cry. LOL

Mary G said...

LOL Kara
I did put a mushy alert!
Actually I wish I was more eloquent. This barely describes how I feel.

Crystal (cmac) said...

Happy Anniversary Christy!! I just happened to see RESCUE ME on the shelves when it was released. I am terrible about not wanting to buy a book of an author that I hadn't ever read before. But I read the back and thought this sounds like a great book. So thank goodness I bought it! I have been hooked every since! It is so hard to pick a one and only favorite. You do such an outstanding job with your characters! I honestly feel like I personally know each and every one of the LCR team. IF...I have to choose one it would still be Ethan and Shea. There is just something about Ethan that stole my heart right off the bat. I have so many favorite scenes I can't narrow it down to just one that I love, but I will say when Ethan knew Cole was alive and was willing to give his life up so Cole and Shea could be together. It was an amazing end to an amazing story! I laughed so hard I cried when Shea had shot Ethan and they were stuck out in the jungle. Ethan's conversations with himself had me in stitches! He was one ticked off male now! lol

I love all the LCR cast and I can't wait for more wonderful stories. Dylan I am sure to drool over! Keep up the great work Christy!!

Kara C said...

Yay, Crystal, another Ethan fan. Love that book!
Mary, in fairness, you did warn us you were getting mushy, and I happen to agree with you. :)

Dannyfiredragon said...

Happy Anniversary Christy. Six books released in one year, big congrats! I got hooked on Rescue me during my last stay in the States last September. I only know the first three books so far, and I like all there couples so no favorite one for me.

oklanannie said...

Mary G - after your "Mushy Alert" what can one say? You said it all very eloquently!! Packaged up pretty and tied with a big red & white bow (Go 'Bama!)!

I wish I could find the wonderful woman who suggested that if I liked romantic suspense, I should definitely buy Christy Reece's book! I would like to give her a big old hug and thank her from the bottom of my heart for turning me on to the best year of reading I've ever ever experienced. Not only to the LCR book, but in turn to my Reece's Peeces friends and a whole wide world of wonderful book recommendations and delightful conversations!

Since I can't find that woman, I'll just send all of you a great big ♥(((((((HUG!))))))♥ and say thanks to you for a wonderful year and that I'm looking forward to sharing the upcoming one with everyone!

Christy Reece said...

Oh, you guys are so SWEET! Kara's right, you're making me cry. Surprise! LOL

I should have mentioned in my post that I'm going offline for several days so I won't be able to respond to your posts. I'll be back online either Sunday or Monday and catch up then.

Keep chatting as much as you like. And we'll have the big give-away on Tuesday!

Happy chatting!

Joan said...

Happy Anniversary, Christy! I just happened to pick up Rescue Me at the one bookstore in my small town. Wow, it was great and I was hooked. Quickly read Run to Me and Return to Me, and they were great also. I love getting to really know your characters.
The Chance Books were just as good.
Cole really touched me. While all of your characters have endured terrible trials he seemed to have endured even more, and amazingly he is still a wonderful and caring man. I can't wait for the next group of books to arrive at our bookstore.

Jane said...

Happy Anniversary, Christy. I read a lot of romantic suspense and I first heard about your books after Amazon listed some recommendations on what I might enjoy based on my previous purchases(Laura Griffin, Jordan Dane, Debra Webb.) I don't always read a series in order, but this time I did actually start by reading Jordan and Eden's story first and continued in order. I can't choose just one favorite couple. I love them all, but Noah and Samara and Gabe and Skye are at the top.

Heather said...

happy anniversary Christ! I love your books. I'm always ready for a good romance. I first discovered your books right before second chance was released. I kept seeing NO Chance at my grocery store and finally broke down and got it. Only to discover I was starting a series in the middle. UGGG! Then I was luck enough to win two signed books during the Second Chance release blog. Yeah Me! I love the characters and can't wait to go get Last chance tonight. I will be very busy reading for the next couple of weeks with JR Ward, and Nora Roberts new releases along with Last Chance. Can't wait for next year! SWEET!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Christy. Six books published in one year. You are amazing. I love your blog here and your books. I never dreamed a Best Selling author would be so down to earth and interact with her fans have much as you have. The way you stay so down to earth makes me think of the song Mississippi Girl by Faith Hill. Thanks for the great books, the Monday recamanations and your contests. You are truly an inspiration. Congrats again on your success and may it continue with your SWEET books.

Aly said...

Happy Anniversary!

I don't know how I found your books. Probably in the Coming Books section at the end of RT. All I know is that I am so glad that I have been along for the journey.

You have been a fantastic hostess. Your books have put me in touch with some of the greatest ladies in the world and you write some kick ass books! That makes you one of the best around in all areas :)

My favorite character so far has to be Noah. :sigh: Oh Noah! It is such a shame he had to hook up with...what's her name? LOL!

However, there is this guy that has my eye but we will have to see what happens with him. He may replace Noah at #1.

I will be have to go look and come back with some of my favorite scenes/comments. Have a great time offline!

krisgils33 said...

Happy Anniversary! I first saw one of the books in a Borders and was intrigued by the cover. I'm always looking for new authors to try and I really love series where there are recurring characters. I waited until I got all three of the first books and read them back-to-back. It really frustrates me to have to wait for the next installment in a series!! I loved Eden and Noah and so many of the others and can't wait to devour more of your stories!

LauraD said...

Happy Anniversary Christy!! I am so glad I joined this group due to a friend telling me I would like your books! my first book was No Chance and then I read all three inthis series. Now, i have to go back to start with the first series. I am glad you posted all of them so I know which one to read first!

I can't wait for the new series to come out too! I love your characters and the story with them! Congratulations to you!

Linda said...

Thank you for Christy for creating books with characters and story lines that are rich, vibrant and captivating! I am so glad that fate stepped in that day in the library and caused one of your books to fall at my feet! Happy, happy Anniversary Ms. Reece!

Cindi Ross said...

OMG I can't believe it's been a whole year since I got addicted to the LCR stories. Thank you Christy for such awesome stories!

Luci said...

Happy anniversary Christy!! Well, I am in the last page sof Rescue Me which is my first book by you. I have to read in order so I couldn't mess this one's up but i do have the other three following books in my piles. Have the last chapter of Rescue Me then straight on to Noah's book. Am really looking forward to it. At the moment cannot choose best characters but I do love both Jordan and Noah and Samara seems very spunky :).



Scorpio M. said...

I wish I could contribute more to this great conversation but me being a Reece newbie, I don't have much. Just started LAST CHANCE and hope to be more vocal for Anniversary #2! Congratulations on such a wonderful year, Christy!

Michelle said...

Happy Belated Anniversary Christy. Congrats on the wonderful first year. I can't believe it's only been a year , 6 fantastic book that is amazing! Thank you for writing such wonderful books.(Kara A big THANK YOU for recommending Christy's books to me.) I was hooked with Rescue Me. It's hard to pick which couple I like the best. Ronley your potato chip comment says it all. I guess if I pick one it's Noah & Samara. I like their chemistry.
I can't wait to see what your second Anniversary brings. Here's to many more wonderful books!

Amber E. said...

Happy Anniversary Christy and congratulations on your new release LAST CHANCE! RESCUE ME was my first book I read of the LCR series. I first heard about this series the beginning of this year on the Book Binge review site, and after reading such great reviews I had to go out and get RESCUE ME and there was no turning back after that. Like you said I love that each hero and/or heroine has been a secondary character in a pervious book.

It's hard for me to say which one is my favorite book of the series, because I love them all. Like Kara said RESCUE ME was my first book and also the one that started it all so that will always be special to me. Can't wait to read Dylan's story! Congratulations again.

Anonymous said...

im way behind on the books :( but iw ill catch up

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

Happy Anniversary!

The first LCR book I read was "Return to Me" and I've always had a soft spot for Noah and Samara!

I found a copy at my library and was intrigued by the cover and storyline. After reading I went looking for the other two in the series!

Christy Reece said...

Hey all, just stopping in for a sec to read all the great comments and memories of LCR books. Thank you all so much for your kind words.

I'm in the midst of a big writing binge with Dylan and his new love interest. If you've read LAST CHANCE, you know who she is. (:

They're being much more vocal now than they have been in months so I'm transcribing and typing as fast as I can.

Will check back with you on Sunday or Monday. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Mary G said...

Psst Christy.
Did they do it yet? Just asking.

Natalie S. said...

Happy Anniversary!

I was fortunate enough to nab RESCUE ME at the site I review for when it first was released. I fell in love with Eden's story and couldn't wait to read the next and the next and the...well, you get it. *Blush* One year later I am still lucky to be able to read and review these wonderful stories.

Congratulations on the anniversary of your first release and I hope you have many more tales to tell. I'm in for the long haul -- as a fan, reviewer, and total LCR book pimp!


Natalie S.

PS. I am quite fickle however because my favorite book changes with each release. LOL LAST CHANCE is the best one yet! :)

Saly said...

Happy Anniversary, Christy.
I am so glad for you and doubly glad that there are more books to look forward to and may I wish more, more .....!!
I started and have continued to read the LCR books in order.My favorite would have to be Shea and Ethan followed by Eden and Jordan. In the new trilogy (2010) , even though I expected Gabe to be my favorite, Cole beat him ;)
I look forward to all future works by you whether based in the LCR world your fans have come to love or some other!
Keep making us happy. :)

Jennifer D. said...

Hello Christy,

Happy Anniversary!! It's pretty cool that you released 6 books in one year. I just finished Last Chance and it was another wonderful story - I really think Lucas and McKenna make a great match. I first noticed your books on Amazon. I sometimes look at the lists of upcoming books and I saw a picture of the cover for Rescue Me and I read a blurb about the story and put it on my list and bought the book once it was released and of course, I became hooked. My favorite couple is Noah and Samara (although its tough to narrow down to one) and my favorite scene is on the airplane at the end of Return to Me.

squiresj said...

I just found the Last Chase this very moment. I have not read any of the series but would sure love to read them and review them.
I really enjoyed what I read here.
jrs362 at hotmail dot com

Jackie P said...

@ Mary G...LMBO!!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary Christy!

My childhood BF's mom gave me Rescue Me and Return to Me to read and thus got me hooked. BUT about a week later or so "Run to Me" came out and I fell in love with Cole. From then on all you heard was March, March, March. Me waiting on his book to come out. And it was not a disapointment.
In "Run To Me" the hair started standing on end on page 242 and then an OG moment on page 243 the bottom paragraph "Did he have a family? People who cared about him?.>>>" It sad.
Rosemont is my favorite nasty villian of all time.
My favorite line well "And Cole lost his mind" from Second Chance. I have favorite parts in each book and favorite side characters. Love Angela(wish she would or could get her a hottie..Justin?(I think it has to do with me liking the military types. Wishing she could hook up with him) ) And I know there is another quote about being in the world that I cannot find and those that Mary G found that I loved to. So many fun books to read. So glad you took the Chance and wrote a book. That has given us many a Sweet Reward. :)

Maria Ringler said...

Happy Anniversary!! I started with your second trilogy and while I really like everyone I would have to say that Skye and Gabe are probably my favorites. Add Eden to that. lol

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversay LCR.

Hi Christy

I hardly write anything to an author because I don't know what to say,but for The anniversay for LCR I have to write to you to thank you for just be you, one of the best writer I have known. I didn't know your book before the beginning of this year. I saw some people recommend your book on amazon and they are similar to some of the books I like so I gave Rescue me a try. !!!! That's it, I was hook to LCR. I have to find all the books to read. I love Rescue me because it's the first and LCR was born but I like Noah - Samara and Gabe - Skylar the most. Anyway I love them all I can't wait for your next 3 books.:) I hope they are coming out soon. Thank you again for writing such fantastic and wonderful books. I hope LCR never die.!!!!


rock7roll said...

Happy Anniversary Christy!! I have read everyone of the LCR books. OMG, there is NO WAY I can just pick one. They are all my favorites. Please keep writing. All the couples are fantastic, and coupled together so well. The storyline for each is so riveting that I can not put the book down till the end. Than I want more. Just want to say thank you for making my reading so enjoyable.

Kelseya said...

Happy Aniversery. I love the LCR books, and devoured the series in two weeks. I can't wait for the next books to come out. Keep up with the great writing

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the LCR gang. I have to say that so far McKenna and Lucas are my favorites. I loved Noah and Samara too.