How was your weekend and last week? Read anything absolutely wonderful? Do anything fabulously fantastic? Have any news you want to share?
For me?
Close your eyes and for a moment, follow me to a dark, demented place. Deadline is this massively huge entity breathing down my neck (Think Aliens) and I'm cowering in the corner with my laptop, typing furiously and stopping every few minutes to nervously look over my shoulder to see how close it is. Right now, I'm trying to pretend I don't see it and it doesn't see me. Soon I won't be able to pretend because those long, pointed teeth, dripping with urgency, will be at my neck and I'll... Oops! Sorry, what were we talking about?
Yes, it's almost here. Thursday, July 1, SWEET REVENGE will wing its way to my editor and agent and I'll be sitting on the edge of my chair for days or weeks, waiting to hear.
Meanwhile, that entity known as Deadline will be lurking in a dark corner, eyes gleaming, the slow drip, drip, drip from its long, pointed teeth increasing in speed, matching the rhythm of my heart. And then once again, it begins to lurk closer and then closer. Breath catches in my throat as I realize that it has set its beady, flashing eyes upon me and...
SWEET JUSTICE will be due!
I actually haven't watched any horror movies in a while, so the above may sound a bit tame, but believe me, the creature is real...Oh. So. Real. (cue horrible, deep, scary laughter).
Anyway, hope your weekend was fabulous and you'll tell us what wonderful books you're recommending. As for me, I'm headed back to that place where the entity lurks and the drip, drip, drip of urgency becomes one rush of roaring sound. Inevitable. Overwhelming. Final...
Happy Monday All! (: