Monday, October 17, 2011

Recommend Monday!

Good Monday All!

Did you have a great weekend? Do anything special and fun? Read anything fabulous? If so, this is your place to share!

Thanks so much to those who stopped by and celebrated SWEETest day with me by naming your favorite LCR heroine. I loved learning your favorite and why you love her. Looks like Eden St. Claire, from RESCUE ME, won the top spot, but Honor Stone, from SWEET JUSTICE, was a close second. Samara, from RETURN TO ME, McKenna from LAST CHANCE and Jamie, from SWEET REVENGE, tied for third place. I love all of my heroines equally and I'm so glad I didn't have to pick just one! (:

Congrats to Crystal Fulcher for winning the SWEETest Day prize of a signed copy of SWEET JUSTICE and SWEET REVENGE and a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card. Crystal, please email me at with your mailing information.

My weekend was extra SWEET! I had the honor of signing books alongside the fabulous Jennifer Echols who writes wonderful young adult romances. We had a great turnout at Books-A-Million. For those of you who were able to come, thank you!

Last week I spent hours and hours agonizing over a synopsis. When talking to an author, if you wait long enough, you'll probably hear at some point how much most of us hate synopses. Limiting a 100,000-word manuscript to a few pages of description can be incredibly painful. Writers often angst over a word choices for an entire book but I think it must be a thousand times worse for a synopsis since there's so little space to work with. When it comes to writing the book, a synopsis has often been my best friend. However, it's painful until I can get it right. This week, I will continue with it and hope to write a chapter too. Big plans! Wish me luck!

No new recommends for me this week. Haven't had a lot of time for reading but am looking forward to seeing what you all are recommending. There's always room on my TBR list for your recommends.

I'll jump back on later on in the week and chat a while. For now, I'm headed back to my writing cave. It's time for me to kick this synopsis' butt!

Have a spectacular Monday!


Johanna R Jochum said...

I'm finishing up Tara Janzen's Steel Street Series! I'm on number 10 Breaking Loose! One more to go! I loved this series. Smokin' hot guys, big guns, fast cars and sexy smart women! Can't put them down. I'm sad that this series is going to over!

Luci said...

I am so sorry for not being able to be with you for the latest SWEET release day but I am extremely busy at work and when i check the blog form my mobile it does not let me post. However, I am so glad you are getting such fab reviews. My copy of SWEET Revenge is not here yet and I decided I would read SWEET Justice and Revenge back to back so I haven't read the first book either yet. I have a terrible memory and as such I forget most details when I read series books, which i love nontheless, reading them back to back gives me the best of both worlds. I get to enjoy the books and not forget the details till I read the next!

I have been going through a horrific book slump. Have 5 books started that I cannot get into. I managed to finish Julianne Maclean's latest but I confess I rushed through it. I finally picked up Lisa Kleypas' Then Came You which I bought because I want to read its sequal Dreaming of You. So far so good althogh I do not like the heroine much till now. Its been in my piles for ages so I am hoping I finally get to enjoy a book. The last one I really liked was Maya Banks' Seduction of a Highland Lass and am really eager for Never Love a Highlander to be released.

Christy I am so excited for your next series!! Wishing you lots of luck with the synopsis!

oklanannie said...

Finished reading Stephanie Tyler's "Night Moves" and LOVED it! The friendship between Kell and Reid was so fun to read and a bit heartwrenching.

Also, read Lisa Marie Rice's "Fatal Heat: A Navy SEAL Novella" and for a short, quick read, it was well-written and fun to read. Good romance and a very lovable dog named Max were a plus.

Off to run errands and find some special trick-or-treat gifts for my grandkids. They don't eat much candy (mom's rules!) so Nannie's depending on Legos and Dora the Explorer to complete the treat bag for my Darth Vader and Little Red Riding Hood.

Have a good week everyone! Christy, hope the words flow generously and easily this week and the synopsis reaches perfection!

Gail said...

I am almost finished reading "A Most Dangerous Profession" By Karen Hawkins. I loved it alot and would reccomed it to anyone looking for a great book to read while your waiting for Ms. Reece's next new book release. I was fortunate enough to find a copy of Ms.Hawkins new book in Sam's club.Officially it is not out until tomorrow.

krisgils33 said...

Wishing you lots of good luck, Christy!

Ridiculously busy weekend, including 2 soccer games (both wins and my girl scored a goal!!) and our friends' annual Surrender at Yorktown party (always a fab time).

I was getting ready to read Night Moves and realized I had never read the book before it. So, I ended up reading both last week. They were both really good and I agree with Anne that I am anxiously awaiting Reid's story (and hoping he gets his HEA with Grier!!!!).

Jane said...

Hi all, Happy Monday!

Busy fall weekend but I actually finished two books last week. Addicted To You by Bethany Kane was really, really good. Also, Cover Me by Catherine Mann was excellent. Great start to a new pararescuemen series.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us, Christy, but I do know it will be terrific.

Elke said...

Hi Christy , hi everyone,
I had a busy weekend - cleaning out our majeor bedroom because we get the ceiling insulated and newly panelled. The workers started today and the house is a mess.

Thanks to my new kindle I read Jill Shalvis Animal Magnetism and Animal Attraction almost in one sweep and have now another series I can´t wait for the next book, grr. Does anyone know when Adams story will come out ?

I also started Marie Forces Fatal Justice and hope I will have some reading time this week.I love Sam and Nick.

Christy - good luck with the synopsis - are you starting a new series or will it be a single book? Looking forward to hearing more about your plans.

Have a great week everyone!

krisgils33 said...

I think it's going to be a pretty long wait for Adam's story. I forget when exactly! Who did you like better...Brady or Dell??

Elke said...

its hard to decide - both were great, but I think Dell. Whats your fav ?

KC said...

I read a few good books last week: Blood and fire by Shannon Mckenna, Changing the game by Jaci Burton, Don't mess with Texas by Christie Craig and not sure if I recommended this one last week but Too hot to touch by Louisa Edwards was good also.

krisgils33 said...

very hard to choose. can I have both? :-)

Alison said...

Hi Christy! Hi Everybody!
Like a couple other people I read and loved Stephanie Tyler's Night Moves.  This weekend I read and enjoyed Kathryn Shay's After The Fire and On the Line and I started the last book in the trilogy last night Nothing More To Lose.
Happy Reading All!

Anonymous said...

Maya Bank's book Seduction of a Highland Lass is the best book I have read lately, I loved it.

Hope said...

I am TOTALLY late...hi everyone. I had an eventful day at the ER with one of my friends. All is well, but she scared 10 years off my life, but better to be safe than sorry.

I also finished Steph Tyler's Night Moves. And LOVED it. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but from what Steph has said, this was the last Shadow Force book. She has a new RS series coming out in the spring. Not sure we will ever get to see Reid's story.

I also finished, Don't Tell by Karen Rose. I am truly in love with this series, even though I started backwards, I am forward now :)

We are off to San Francisco again this coming weekend for some karate training. Have a great week everyone...and Happy Birthday to Ronlyn!!!

Crystal said...

I am late, but I haven't read much this past week that I feel I could recommend. So I had to finish the book I was reading so I have something that I could put my 2 cents in on. After a few persistent friends told me to read Kaylea Cross's books I finally got Deadly Descent. It took me longer than usual to finish this book, but I think that had more to do with my life distracting me. I just finished it a little bit ago and I enjoyed it.
Christy I hope the writing cave is treating you well. Can't wait to hear what is taking place inside that cave!
I took my kiddos to a pumpkin patch this weekend. They had a great time and I managed to survive carving the pumpkins. For some reason the smell makes me gag. Strangely the feel of the insides don't bother me. TMI I know sorry. Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Anonymous said...

Christy,ive read all your books and loved them all,i recommend Night after night by janelle denison.Cant wait to read your next book.

Christy Reece said...

Hi everyone! So sorry it's taken so long to get over here. Been working on something new and I've gotta say, I'm getting quite excited about it. Hope I can tell you guys about it soon.

Hi Johanna, wow, I didn't know the Steel Street series was ending. I'm several books behind on the series but throughly enjoyed what I've read. Need to go back and catch up!

Luci, we've missed you! Hope you get your copy of SWEET REVENGE soon. I'm going to be setting up a Yahoo discussion for both books in the next week or so. Hope you can join us! Thanks for the good wishes on the synopsis. I sent it in today. Yay!

Hey Anne! What fun to shop for Darth Vader and Little Red Riding Hood. I'll bet they look adorable. Thanks for the good wishes on the synopsis. Don't think it reached perfection, but I was pretty pleased with it. (:

Hi Gail! Thanks for the recommend on Karen Hawkins. I haven't read her in a while. Need to check out her new books!

Kris, congrats on the soccer wins and to your daughter for scoring a goal! Thanks for the good wishes on the synopsis! They worked! (:

Jane, I've downloaded Cover Me and look forward to getting started on it. Looks great! Addicted to You sounds interesting. Will definitely check it out. And thanks so much, hope I can share something with you soon!

Hi Elke, I'm hoping to create a new series but for right now, I'm just concentrating on the first book. Hope I can talk about it soon. (I know I keep saying that, but I really really mean it) (:

KC, wow, lots of great recommendations. Thanks so much!

Alison, I don't think I've read anything by Katherine Shay. Been seeing her name on a lot of recommends. I need to check her books out!

Hi Virginia! Been hearing a lot about Maya Banks's new series. They're definitely on my TBR list!

Hope, wow, Stephanie's series is ending too. Sigh. Hate to see all these great series end! And I'm so glad you're reading Karen Rose. She is so incredibly awesome! Hope you had good luck and lots of fun in San Francisco!

Hi Crystal, I need to get the Kaylea Cross book. I've heard so many great things about this series. The writing cave was a busy beehive this week. Thanks for the good wishes!

Hi Anonymous! I'm thrilled you enjoyed my books! So glad you're looking forward to more. And I've been eyeing the Janelle Dennison book. Looks like I need to get that one, too. Thanks for the recommend!

Thanks again all for the great recommends! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
(Sorry for the re-post. Edited for typos!)