Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SWEET REVENGE Release Day Party (Part Two)

Thank you all for the good wishes here, on Facebook, Twitter and your emails. As I've said numerous times before, I have the kindest readers ever!

Congrats to Angela for winning the first SWEET REVENGE prize! And there are lots more to be had. Though I'll continue to have quizzes for the contests, be aware that all the answers can be found in the excerpts either on my website or the Random House, Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites.

Here are those links:

Now, for some more SWEET REVENGE fun and a chance to win a signed copy of any LCR book of your choice and a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card, be the first commenter to answer this question correctly:

What were the VERY FIRST WORDS Jamie said to Dylan when he came to rescue her?

Ready. Set. Post!


Spav said...

Touch me and I’ll kill you

Hope said...

GOSH DARN IT....Great job Spav

Unknown said...

“Touch me and I’ll kill you

Christy Reece said...

Yay, Spav! Congrats! Email me with your mailing address and the LCR book of your choice.

LOL Hope, your time is coming!

Crystal said...

Those first words are when I knew I would love Jamie!!

Alison said...

Congrats Spav!

Spav said...

Thanks! I already emailed you.

Mary G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary G said...

Darn that WV word tripped me up lol. Congrats & enjoy Spav.

oklanannie said...

I think Jamie really liked how Dylan touched her later on! First he has to prove worthy of being a knight in shining armour!

Congrats to Spav!

ShellyE said...

Congrats Spav!!

Taryn @MySecretRomance said...

Congrats Spav!

Elma said...

Congratulations Spav!