Monday, December 19, 2011

Recommend Monday!

Good Monday Everyone!

How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Are you still shopping or have you finished your gift buying? Did you find time to curl up with a good book? If so, we want to hear about it!

My weekend was fun and full. As usual, I'm running late on my shopping. Wish I was one of those people who start their shopping December 26 for the next year. Are you one of those? If so, know that you have my admiration and not a little bit of envy. (:

Did everyone see my post last week? I was finally able to share news about the new series. At this point, I'm calling it the Wildefire series but that's subject to change. My heroines' last name is Wilde and they grew up on Wildefire Lane in a small town in Alabama, not far from Mobile. The town is fictional, but the southern will be fully authentic! Finally can use some of those y'alls that come so easy for me!

Not to be too melodramatic, but did you notice we're only 7 days away from the last of the Last Chance Rescue books? SWEET REWARD releases on Tuesday, December 27! Woohoo! I loved Jared and Mia and hope you will too!

I've lived with these LCR characters since 2006, when I first started writing RESCUE ME. I know their flaws and strengths, as well as their deepest fears and incredible courage. Saying goodbye is both a happy and sad time for me. I'll miss hanging out with these interesting, intriguing characters, but knowing they will continue to rescue victims as they live out their happily ever after is a great comfort. And Aidan, Angela, Kendra, Raphael and Sabrina Fox continue to whisper little snippets in my ear from time to time. At some point, I would love to return to them and let them tell me their story. We'll see!

I'm very excited about this new path and new series. I hope you'll fall in love with it too. I've already met Zach Tanner and Savannah Wilde, the hero and heroine of the first book, which I'm tentatively calling SECRETS OF A SOUTHERN NIGHT. Zach and Savannah have me intrigued already. Can't wait till they tell me more of their story!

In the midst of all the craziness of preparing for the holidays and a book release, I have been able to finish two books, too! I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. Jami Alden's Hide from Evil was deliciously riveting, causing more than a few breathless moments, especially near the end. And I read the second book in Robyn Carr's Virgin River series, Shelter Mountain, which caused more than a few tears. I'm beginning to understand the addiction that goes with this series. I've already started the third one!

This week, I'm shopping till I'm dropping, a few more doctor's appointments and then maybe a little shaking and baking. LOL Hopefully more baking than shaking.

BTW, if you have an e-reader, you must jump over to Just Romantic Suspense and register for this awesome prize! The drawing is at 10:00 (EST) tonight.

Hope your week is filled with good things. I'll check back and chat a little later with you. Can't wait to hear what books you loved and devoured last week.

Happy Monday All!


krisgils33 said...

Three cheers for my favorite part of Monday!! We had two parties we attended yesterday afternoon and evening, and I did NOT want to get up and go to work this morning. Sad that I had several early morning meetings. :(

I'm super excited for the Wilde's of Alabama!! So sad to say goodbye to the LCR gang, but they (especially Seth) will live on in my heart forever! I'm counting the days til Dec 27th!!!! Can't wait!

My recommends for this week include Wild Thing by Robin Kaye. A very fun book! I also read the Bella Andre Sullivan Brother's trilogy and absolutely loved it!

Ronlyn said...

Good Morning and Happy Monday!
Today is the first day of my new job and I'm working from home doing some computer training. Or, I'm trying to work from home, but the kid is sick so it's been difficult. It'll be easier once Hubby gets home.
No recs from me this week, but I've missed being able to pop in and say hello so I didn't want to miss my opportunity.


Alison said...

Hi Everyone! Hi Christy!

I'm a procrastinator too Christy, I still have shopping to finish and I finally got my tree up this weekend.

This week I read the last book in Tessa Dare's Stud Club Trilogy Three Nights with a Scoundrel and really enjoyed it. I'm working my way through Bella Andre's Sullivan series right now and liking it.

I'll second Kris's rec on Wild Thing...very fun book. Can't wait to read the next Kincaid book.

Have a good week everyone!

oklanannie said...

Like Kris, I'm super excited to hear all the news on the new "Wildefire Series." I love the names for the first set of characters, as well as the "tentative" title. And yes, it is hard to know the the LCR gang are going on sabbatical -- that's how I've chosen to deal with the end of the LCR series. And I'm super excited to hear that some of those dearly loved characters are just stubborn enough to keep whispering in your ear their need to tell their story to completion. Meanwhile, I've already started a little red-covered spiral notebook with all things "Wilde."

This past week was super busy with holiday shopping, parties, and school programs. I did, however, manage to get Bella Andre's new "Can't Help Falling In Love" read -- my favorite of the series so far.

Another really solid and "keeper" shelf worthy book I read this past week is by Tessa Dare "Unraveled" in her Turner Bros. series. If you enjoy historicals, this series is one of the best I've read to date.

Wishing everyone a HoHoHo! week of fun-filled activities as well as the hope that you get a chance to slip in some reading time as well!

krisgils33 said...

I love it when everybody agrees with me (okay, so Ronlyn didn't, but she's got more important things to focus on and I'm sure she would have otherwise). :-)

Forgot to wish everyone a Very Merry!!!

Elke said...

Hi Christy, hi all,
just stopping by to say hi, because I have lots of errands to run and a sick "kid" (age 22) at home. How come that the male gender is always "deathly sick" even when suffering only from the flu ? Is it engraved in the Y chromosom ?

Ronlyn, good luck with your new job and I hope your kid will be better soon.

Christy, I like the names for your new Hero/ heroine - I am really excited what their story will be.

No recommends from me this week.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and looking forward to many more Rec.Mondays

Book Talk Romanc said...

can't wait for your new series. I will miss LCR also. I did not have time for reading for so many years I have almost over dosed on it. So your LCR books have all been read by me in the last 7 months.
I am looking forward to your new series!

Sue P. said...

Just finished His Mistress By Christmas by Victoria Alexander. Was so good. Lots of fun, bantering dialogue.

Crystal said...

Sheesh I almost forgot it was Monday. A lady my husband works with has asked me to bake a bunch of different kinds of cookies for her to take back to NC with her for Christmas so I've been baking baking baking. I did get some reading done last week. The only book I think is worth Recommend Monday status is Cindy Gerard's Show No Remorse. It wasn't my favorite BOI book, but I'll still recommend it. I read a couple others that just weren't that great so....
Christy I can't wait until Tuesday!! It'll be a great day for sure.
I am the last minute shopper. I do envy the Hope's of the world who are done shopping way ahead of time. Maybe that will be my New Years resolution this year.... Oh maybe not... why set myself up for disappointment right? lol
Happy Holidays everyone!!

KC said...

I still have about half of my shopping to get done sometime this week. Yikes! Better get to it.

I read If you hear her by Shiloh Walker and loved it can't wait for the next one. Also read Head over heels by Jill Shalvis, it was cute.

Christy- I can't believe you would tease us like this! I can't wait for more on the new series.

Luci said...

Hey y'all :)

I am so excited for your new series Christy! Will it be romantic suspense? i hope so :).

Mine is the longest reading slump ever!! I finally managed to finish a book - Victoria Dahl's A Litlle Bit Wild which i really enjoyed. I immediately jumped into the sequal and stalled! Haven't even the slightest inclination to read at the moment.

I am waiting on tenterhooks for my copy of SWEET Reward becaus ei want to read these last three LCR books back to back. After that I will read Beverly Barton's last two books in the Powell Agency series - am a bit reluctant to start them because they will be the last of hers i will be reading:(. Loved her books.

Xmas shopping nearly finished but I did not have much to buy this year.

Wish you all a great Xmas!!

Taryn @MySecretRomance said...

Hey Christy and Friends!

I made it on time this week, by 50 minutes too!

No recs this week...but I will have some for you next week.

Elke, ALL men are like that when they get sick. My hubby loses the use of his limbs when he's sick.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Everyone! Yesterday I literally shopped until I dropped. Today, I'm staying in and staying away from people--lol, it's safer for everyone!

Kris, I love that Recommend Monday is your favorite part of Mondays. And I'm thrilled you're looking forward to the Wildes of Alabama. I think it's going to be a lot of fun to dig deep into my Alabama roots!

Thanks for the recommends. I'm hearing great things about Bella's new series. Will check into Robin Kaye's Wild Thing, too.

Christy Reece said...

Ronlyn, hope your first day at your new job was a good one, despite a sick little one. Working from home sounds like a good way to start. And I'm so glad you dropped in...we missed you!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Alison! I'm glad there's someone else like me. (: I'm resting today and headed back out tomorrow. Really hoping I can finish up then.

I have Tessa Dare's books but haven't read them yet. Good to know they're recommended!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Anne, thank you! I'm glad you're excited about the Wildefire series. LOL Love that you have started a notebook already! And yes, those LCR characters will continue to speak to me for a while yet. Maybe we'll do a check-in with them some time next year...just to see what they've been up to. (:

Thanks for the recommends. I need to download Bella Andre's new book!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Elke! Sorry you're son is sick. Hope he's better soon. LOL Men can be quite dramatic when they're sick, can't they. Hope you got your errands done!

Christy Reece said...

Hi Jessica! Thanks for the recommend. I totally agree about Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love. Absolutely wonderful book!

And I do hope to write Aidan's story one day. He's told me a little about himself and has me quite intrigued. (:

Christy Reece said...

Hey Jeannie, thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the LCR series. I know what you mean by almost overdosing on books. I went years without reading more than a dozen books a year. When I finally got the chance to read more, I became a book glutton. (:

So glad you're looking forward to my new series!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Sue P. Thank you for the recommend. I adore Victoria Alexander's books!

Christy Reece said...

Crystal, hope your cookie baking turned out well. I used to be a great cookie baker but lately I do better at eating them than baking. (:

Good to know there's another procrastinator on shopping. But I do have to announce that I finished today. Whew!

Christy Reece said...

Hey KC! Another late shopper. Yay, I'm not feeling alone anymore. (:

Thanks for the recommends. I have both of these on my TBR pile.

Glad you're looking forward to hearing more about my new series. Thanks!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Luci! Glad you found a book you enjoyed. I enjoyed Dahl's A Little Bit Wild too!

Thank you, I'm glad you're excited about my new series. And yes, it will be romantic suspense. (:

Hope you get your SWEET REWARD copy soon. And hope you enjoy all 3 SWEETs!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Taryn, never to late to come by and say hey. Love hearing from you!