Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fun at The Book Binge

Hey Everyone!

Hope your week went exactly the way you wanted. I'm headed to the finish line as far as blogs are concerned. One last blog...Yes, one LAST CHANCE to visit with me this week! Here's the link: We're talking about secondary characters today. Come weigh in for a CHANCE to win a signed copy of NO CHANCE.

Thanks to everyone who's followed me around Blog land these last few days. We've had fun, some great book recommendations and a couple of clues about the new trilogy.

I'm in the midst of preparing for a March 1 deadline, so I'll be offline most of the weekend. I do want to thank all who have emailed and messaged me on Facebook about NO CHANCE. So happy that you're enjoying Gabe and Skylar's story.

Oh, and about half an hour ago, I received a lovely surprise. Two copies of SECOND CHANCE from my publisher. Oh. My. Gosh! Never imagined how beautiful they would be. So excited! Can't wait for you to see them on the shelves!

Monday, don't forget, one of our favorite authors will be visiting. With that special event going on, we'll put off Recommend Monday to Tuesday.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Stay warm and curl up with a good book or two.

See you at The Book Binge!

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