Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey Everyone.

I thought this day would never arrive! But it did! NO CHANCE release day is finally here!

To celebrate, let's do a little dance, make a little love, get...Wait! Stop! My disco roots are showing!

Okay, let's start over. To celebrate the release of Gabe Maddox's story, we're going to have fun contests, win some cool prizes and just have a good old time.

Contests start at 10:00 AM (CST) and will continue every two hours until 6:00 PM (CST). That's five CHANCES to win! (10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00).

So come back at 10:00 and lets have some fun!

See you soon!


mary anne said...

Hey Christy, congrats on your big day :)

Christy Reece said...

Thank you, Mary Anne!

Tawania said...

Hi Christy,
*Doing my happy Dance*
Happy release day! I'm so excited for you.
Hugs :))

mary anne said...

Im going to spend my afternoon going around town looking for your book Christy. We dont have a big bookstore here like a Chapters. If i cant find it i will have to wait till Sat. to go to London...but im keeping my fingers crossed.

Christy Reece said...

Tawania, thank so much!

Hugs back!

Christy Reece said...

Mary Anne, be sure to check in on my contest and try to win one. Ya never know!

Ida Brugler said...

Hey Christy, Congrads!!!! I got my car back too... So I am going to try to run tonight... YAY!!!!!