Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3:00 Contest

Welcome back for the 3:00 contest to celebrate the release of SECOND CHANCE! Congrats again to Heather who won the 1:00 contest!

This time, prizes are: A $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble and a signed copy of SECOND CHANCE

As I mentioned, I blogged over at RomCon the other day about SECOND CHANCE, revealing several things about Cole Mathison, including some things about his previous life, before LCR. And, for those of you who have read RUN TO ME, this will be an easy question for you.

First person who post the correct answer wins. Previous winners not eligible.

Question: What was Cole's profession before he joined Last Chance Rescue?

Ready. Set. Post!


Jane said...

History teacher.

Angela said...

history teacher

Christy Reece said...

LOL. You got it, Jane. Congrats!

Send me your mailing info. at christy@christyreece.com

Christy Reece said...

Great try, Angela! Come back at 5:00 for one LAST CHANCE to win!

Danny said...

Big congrats Jane!

I tried to google it but no chance

oklanannie said...

Congrats to Jane! I know you'll love SECOND CHANCE. It's another winner for sure.

Anonymous said...

so not quick enough :(

Congrats Jane

Kara C said...

Love a hero who was a teacher! Sigh...
Congrats Jane.

Mary G said...

Congrats Jane.

Nobody like Cole at your school Kara?

Kara C said...

Now you're just being funny Mary. :)