Monday, April 19, 2010

Recommend Monday!

Good Monday All-

How was your weekend? Did you do anything extraordinarily fun you want to share? Did you read any fabulous books last week that you want the world to read too?

I stayed quite busy with SWEET REVENGE. Dylan and I had several lengthy discussions and a few healthy arguments. I think the air is finally beginning to clear and we're developing a relationship we can both abide. (: What can I say, the man is an enigma!

Guess what! Only 8 days until LAST CHANCE releases. YaYaYaYaYaY!!! So excited to be able to share Lucas and McKenna's story with you. I've heard from several of you who won early copies of LAST CHANCE and have already read the book. So far, everyone seems to have really enjoyed it. Yay for that!

I'll be giving away several copies of LAST CHANCE this week, here on my blog, as well as my Facebook pages. There will be lots of CHANCEs to win! Stay tuned!

But for now, let's talk books. What did you read last week that you loved and want everyone to know about so they can enjoy a great read too? Let's add to our ever increasing TBR list!

Hope everyone has an incredibly wonderful, absolutely fabulous week!


Unknown said...

Hi everyone

This week I have been reading Suddenly One Summer by Barbara Freethy. I am 3/4 done and I love the book and can't wait to get in the next one of the series. If I forgot to mention is is one of her new series Angel's Bay.

Can't wait till the new book come out Christy. On a happy not for you I went to the local grocery store on Thursday and they had three or four copies of SECOND CHANCE and yesterday they were all gone. I was also in Barnes and Noble on Saturday and they had all your books in stock. I wish they would have been displayed better so I messed around a little and have it so some of the covers are showing. They are so great I think that is a good way to get new readers to grab the book. That is how I picked up my new authors on Saturday anyway.

Happy reading all! Have a SWEET week!

Anonymous said...

Hi all

This week i read the amazing LAST CHANCE - let me tell u all u are in for a treat - it's awesome!!!!!!

I also read Nauti Deceptions by Lora Leigh and Laid Bare by Lauren - both absolutly brilliant books which i think everyone will enjoy :)

Have a good reading week peeps!!!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Sarah!

Thanks for the recommend. I've heard great things about Barbara Freethy's books. Must try them!

You are so SWEET to "mess around" and display my books! Thank you so much!

So glad that you're looking forward to LAST CHANCE! Stay tuned this week for some CHANCEs to win a copy.

Have a fabulous week, Sarah!

Ronlyn said...

Moring Christy, Morning Sarah.
I didn't do much reading this week. I got through a couple Karen Rose books (which I LOVE) and now am getting ready to start a Cindy Gerard (thanks to Rec. Monday and my trusty library!) This one is "To the Edge" which is the oldest of the 3 I got, so I figure I'll start as close to the begining as possible (which I'm anal about reading things in order as much as possible).
Last weekend was slam packed, which is why I didn't get much reading done. We went to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese (which was no fun for me, I left with a splitting headache) then up to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival where we hit a street fair before heading out to the fields. Oh, so fun. Got the kiddo's face painted by a very talented artest and just basked in the beauty of it all. (there are a few pics up on my Facebook acct).
Then yesterday we drove around looking at houses. DH wants to move. I'm less motivated, but agree we do need a slightly bigger house. While running errands looking for some healthy basil plants for my garden we found a gorgeous Japanese Maple tree (DH's favorite) for about 1/2 the price they typically sell for, so we snatched it up. Luckily the weather was great so the kids played outside while Scott & I each planted our goods.
I'm soooo sore today, but it's a good sore. :-)
Hope everyone has a great week!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Kerry! Thank you so much. I'm thrilled you enjoyed LAST CHANCE! And thank you again so much for helping me with some much needed information about England. You were so incredibly helpful!

Thanks for the recommends on Lori Leigh and Lauren Dane!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Ronlyn! Wow, you did have a full weekend!

I love Karen Rose's books too. I'm so looking forward to her new one in a few weeks. And you'll love Cindy Gerard's books! She's incredible!

Oh my, Chuck E Cheese's makes my head hurt to just think about them. So. Much. Noise!

The tulip festival sounds delightful and beautiful.

And house hunting. Grrr. When we moved here from Indiana, I think we looked at over 100 houses. I was to the point of just wanting to pitch a tent and be done with it. My hubby, however, loves looking at houses. In fact, we looked at one yesterday. Bless him. (:

Hope you find a house you all adore!

Have a wonderful week, Ronlyn!

Aly said...

I didn't really have the CHANCE to read much last week! I did however finish LAST CHANCE on Saturday morning! YUMMY!!! LOL!

Sarah, I have Suddenly One Summer on my TBR pile and am thinking of getting to it next.

I am doing a reread of Robin Kaye's Too Hot To Handle right now. Well actually, right now, I am trying to clean the house so I can sit on my butt later and read! With hubby out of town traveling I always think I am going to get lots read but it never works out that way!

This week I am going to finally try to get into Julia London and Karen Hawkins Historicals. Has anyone read any of them? I am not a fan of Historicals but I like both of these authors Contemps so I figured I would give it a try!

Jackie P said...

Aly, I have some of Julia London's historicals and I like her. I keep picking up Karen Hawkins books but haven't done it. Let me know what you think?

I have read "Last Chance" great book. And the "Penalty Box" by Deidre Martin was a fun read.

Danny said...

Hi everyone,

I read the following books during the last week:

Jill Shalvis, Double Play and Slow Heat (both I can highly recommend to all fans of sport romances)

Paula Quinn, Ravished by a highlander (great historical)

Jess Granger, Beyond the rain (fantastic SciFi romance)

Kara C said...

I think To the Edge is the first Gerard book. Bet you'll love it. All this talk about those books makes me want to pull them out and read them again! :)
I LOVED Slow Heat!
I read LAST CHANCE (naturally, a great read) as well as Linda Howard's highly recommended Dream Man. Loved it as well. I finished Touch of Evil by Colleen Thompson this morning, since I'm home with a sick and decidedly cranky child. Not sure what to read next. Lots to choose from here at the house, but can't decide between a new book, a new to me book highly recommended by a book buddy, or a comfort read. Hmmm....
To answer your question about the weekend. The weather was fabulous, my son had a couple of great honors come his way, plus has scheduled two charity concerts for his band to perform. Now, if I can just get this younger one well...

oklanannie said...

Hello to everyone on this Marvelous Monday!

I read the fabulous LAST CHANCE over the weekend -- and LOVED every word. I think it's my favorite one yet -- and that's saying alot since I've loved each and every LCR book. The romance tipped the scale for me. I loved the love story between McKenna and Lucas.

Also was fortunate to get an early copy from a friend of Nora Roberts's third book in her new wedding series, SAVOR THE MOMENT. This one was Del and Laurel's story and the one I had been most looking forward too. Was really good and I wasn't disappointed.

Lots of good recs today. I'm going to go to Amazon and check them out.

The Hotshots lost this weekend but Kyan got another goal -- but at the wrong end of the field! Three year olds and soccer is a hoot!

Wishing everyone a great week of SWEET reads!!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Aly!

I'm so glad you enjoyed LAST CHANCE! Thank you again for your SWEET email! Aidan says 'Hey!" (:

I don't think I've read either of these two historical authors, however, I've heard great things about both of them. And if you've enjoyed their contemporaries, I would think you would love their historicals too.

Hope you get lots done in the house so you can spend the rest of your time reading. Enjoy!

Christy Reece said...

Hi Jackie! Glad you enjoyed LAST CHANCE.

Thanks for the recommend on Deidre Martin.

Have a great week!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Danny!

Wow, some great recommends! Thanks so much.

Hope you have a fabulous week!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Kara! Hope the little one gets well soon. I know you hurt for him. ):

So glad you enjoyed LAST CHANCE. And thanks for the great recommends. Sounds like you had some very good reads last week. Happy to hear you enjoyed Dream Man too. Another Recommend Monday success story! (:

When I'm not sure what I want to read next, I always go for a comfort read. Somehow it gets me in the mood to go on to something else. Let us know what you decide.

Congrats on your son receiving the honor awards. A true testament to great parenting!

Have a great week!

KayB said...

Waiting for Last Chance to come. Started reading The Mist by Carla Neggers. Sunday stayed in bed watching the new Dark Shadows, not has good but the old one really couldn't be replaced.
Monday is gather together research for LDS church tomorrow, Wed., is courthouse record search. Thursday is back to Dr.
But then again everything could change when I start reading Last Chance, I know once I start I won't stop until I finish

Christy Reece said...

Hey Oklanannie! Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoy LAST CHANCE so much! Thank you so much for your SWEET words!

So cool that you got an early copy of Nora's new book. Glad you enjoyed it!

Condolences on the Hotshots loss but how incredibly fun to watch three year olds play soccer!

Hope you have a fabulous week!

Christy Reece said...

Hey Kay!

You definitely have a busy week ahead of you. I hope you get good news on Thursday. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.

I mailed LAST CHANCE to you on Saturday. Hopefully you'll get it soon!

Please keep us posted!

Ida Brugler said...


I did not read much, very busy weekend non stop running.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and has an even better week..

oklanannie said...

@Aly -- I've read most of Julia London's contemporaries - the "Lear Family Trilogy" and the "Thrillseekers" series. Enjoyed both. The only historical I've read by London is "A Courtesan's Scandal" which I read earlier this year. I LOVED it. I may try some more of her historicals myself. Have you read her contemporary, "Summer of Two Wishes"? Another one of hers I really enjoyed.

Let us know which ones you read - it might get be motivated.

Kara C said...

I've gone with another Linda Howard for now - Mackenzie's Mountain? Definitely a comfort read. I had all of her books out that I own trying to find After the Night, so...
Also started A Lakeshore Christmas. Out of season, I know, but it's next in the series, and we all know how I feel about reading books in order! lol
I've read Summer of Two Wishes. Liked to a lot. Will have to put Courtesan's Scandal on my historical to-try list.

Ronlyn said...

*ducking in*
started the Gerard during lunch...liking it!
*ducking back to work*

Crystal (cmac) said...

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. My internet has been acting up today so I was afraid I wouldn't get to share all the wonderful books I read last week. I read several an I'm sure I'll forget them because the one that has completely consumed my mind is....Last Chance which I just finished moments ago. WOW!! is all I can really say. Christy just keeps getting better and better! I couldn't put it down!
Anyway the other books from last week are: Never love a Lawman by: Jo Goodman not bad it took place in the 1880's. I also read Feel the Heat by Cindy Gerad. A very good book. And last but not least A kiss to Kill by Nina Bruhns. Another great book. Needless to say I had a very successful week of reading!

Jane said...

Ooh, only 8 days till release day for "Last Chance." I'm so excited. Over the weekend I read Kate Brady's One Scream Away. I loved the book and am looking forward to her upcoming release.

Kara C said...

One Scream Away is one of my favorites!!!!!

Jane said...

Hi Kara,
I had the book for a while, but never picked it up. I'm so glad I did. The killer was really creepy.

Mary G said...

Hi All
Kerry - those 2 authors are faves of mine.

Crystal - glad you loved Feel the Heat. That whole series is awesome.

Almost picked up a Kiss To Kill- shoulda

I ended up loving Sweet Temptation by Maya Banks.

Hidden Desires &
Heat Of The Storm by Elle Kennedy. Loved them both.
Private Property &
Personal Protection by Leah Braemel. Loved them both.

Forever Yours - Francis Ray from 1994 & just as good as her new ones.
Marrying For King's Millions - Mauren Child - won it -love anything with her name on it.

Bound, Branded & Brazen by Jaci Burton - she is one of my faves.

All the recs sound good. Looking forward to Last Chance. So glad everyone loved it.

Christy Reece said...

Sorry all! I got preoccupied a bit and time just got away from me. Let me catch up!

Hey Ida! Sorry you didn't get a CHANCE to read, but hope you had a fun weekend anyway.

Kara, McKenzie's Mountain is one of my all time favorites. I read it at least once a year. Enjoy!

Yay, Crystal! So glad you enjoyed LAST CHANCE! Thanks for letting me know. Looks like you had a good reading week. Thanks for the recommends!

Hey Jane. One Scream Away was great, wasn't it? Very scary villain! Glad you're looking forward to LAST CHANCE!

Hey Mary! Wow, you had some great reading luck too, didn't you? Thanks for the recommends. Glad you're looking forward to LAST CHANCE!

Mary G said...

BTW - I'm pissed off at you all for getting me addicted to Criminal Minds. It's SO good.
I watched a few episodes on the weekend. even my son got hooked.
Shemar - SIGH.

Christy Reece said...

LOL! Mary, welcome to the wonderful world of CM addiction!

Hey Kara, we've got two more to add to our numbers. (:

And yes, sigh...Shemar Moore. He'll always be Morgan to me.

Mary G said...

Yah Yah.Yah The show is brilliant like you! I totally get why you like it.

Kara C said...

The network should pay us. LOL
Welcome to the team! LOL
My older son dubbed my younger son the 'nerdy' Reid and himself the 'cool' Morgan. My younger son struck back by developing a bad guy, even though he's never seen the show, that kidnapped Morgan and, of course had to be rescued by Reid. I keep telling him that we all LOVE Reid, big, fat brain cells and all. :) The only downside to CM is it's the only show on television that I can't watch and read at the same time. :)

Mary G said...

LOL your kids Kara.
Exactly about the reading & watching.