Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!

Good Wednesday All!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week. As for me, after many stops and starts with one Mr. Dylan Savage, strong, silent man that he is, he has finally started opening up and telling me a few things. Sigh... Glad he's already my hero because if he wasn't, I'd have to rearrange some things. The man is melting my heart!

And since the Savage man is being so cooperative, I need to get back to him as soon as possible. Yes...Yes. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!

So, this is going to be short and SWEET!

The first two people to post: I WANT ONE LAST CHANCE! wins an early copy.

And since this is my mailing day, if I get the winners' addresses early, I can mail them today!


Ready. Set. Post!


Scorpio M. said...


Tanya said...


Anonymous said...


Christy Reece said...

Yay, Scorpio and Tanya! You got it!!! Congrats!

Email me your mailing address at asap and I'll mail the book today!

Anonymous, stay tuned! There will be more CHANCEs to win!

heather said...

thanks christy I'll keep trying and congrats to Scorpio and Tanya.

Scorpio M. said...

Yeah! Thank you, Christy! I got lucky & JUST logged into Blogger at the right time :-)

E-mailing you now, hopefully Blackberry cooperates.

Have a great day!

Tanya said...

Sent email !!!! WoooHoooo cant wait!! Thanks !!!!

Mary G said...

Woohoo- congrats & enjoy girls!!!
Christy you are so generous.

Christy Reece said...

Please do, Heather! And be sure to be here on LAST CHANCE release day. Great opportunity to win all sorts of prizes, including books.

Tuesday, April 27!!!!

Christy Reece said...

Yay, Scorpio! Great timing! Congrats!

Christy Reece said...

Yay, Tanya! Congrats!

Christy Reece said...

Thanks, Mary! Hope you're having a great day!

Ronlyn said...

Congrautlations Ladies!

oklanannie said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! LAST CHANCE is so SWEET!!

Scorpio M. said...

Thx everybody! I can't wait to read LAST CHANCE. Is it better that I read books 1 & 2 first?

Danny said...

Big congrats to the winners. I am always too late.

Jane said...

Congrats to the winners.

Christy Reece said...

Thanks for stopping by and congratulating the winners, Ronlyn!

Hey, Oklanannie! Thanks! And you're pretty SWEET yourself. (:

Scorpio, all the books are stand alone, so it's not necessary to read them in order. However, McKenna makes her first appearance in NO CHANCE and has a small cameo in SECOND CHANCE.

Danny, sorry you missed it again. There will be other CHANCEs! Hope your ankle is healing better!

Hey Jane, thanks for stopping by for congratulations!