Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SWEET REWARD Release Day Par-tay Part II

Welcome back to the party! Congrats to Jane for winning the first prize of the day! And there's more to be won!

Let's go for a little quiz this time. The first person to answer correctly wins a signed LCR book of your choice and a $10 Amazon gift card.

What country and city is Jared Livingston in when he gets the news that his ex-wife's daughter is missing? (Hint: answer is in the excerpt)

Ready. Set. Post!


Jennifer D. said...

agar france

Spav said...

Agar, France

Dannyfiredragon said...

Agar France

Dannyfiredragon said...

Big congrats Jennifer!

oklanannie said...

Congratulations, Jennifer D!

Christy Reece said...

Congrats, Jennifer! Email me at Christy@christyreece.com with your mailing address and tell me which LCR book you'd like to have.

Good try Spav and Danny. Come back in one hour for another chance!

Jennifer D. said...

Thanks so much!

LDent said...

Congrats Jennifer!