Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hi All--

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week! My week has been a bit busy so far, so I'll be offline most of today to do some major catch up. However, I did want to give someone a SECOND CHANCE at SECOND CHANCE.

If you would like a signed copy of SECOND CHANCE, post these EXACT words: I WANT A SECOND CHANCE!

First person to post wins!

I'll be back online at 6:00 pm (CST) for another CHANCE!

Happy Thursday All!

Ready. Set. Post!


LauraD said...

I want Second Chance

LauraD said...

Or should I do it in caps? I WANT A SECOND CHANCE

LauraD said...

I keep rereading this and maybe it should be I WANT A SECOND CHANCE! Added the exclamation point

Christy Reece said...

LOL. Laura, I think you've said it in every way possible. I'd say you definitely deserve a SECOND CHANCE!

Congrats! Email me your mailing address at

Dannyfiredragon said...

Big congrats Laura!

And good luck everyone for the next contest, won't be able to be around for it.

Kara C said...

Uh, I think Laura D won. LOL
Congratulations, Laura. SECOND CHANCE is an amazing read. :)

Brenda Whiteside said...


oklanannie said...

LauraD definitely deserves a SECOND CHANCE!!! Congratulations to you, LauraD. Enjoy reading your SWEET REWARD.

LauraD said...

LOL Thanks everyone! Wasn't exactly sure how EXACT it had to be so not only did I take a Second Chance at it, but I went on for the Third Chance too! lol THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!