Monday, September 12, 2011

Recommend Monday and SWEET Giveaway Day Six!

Good Monday all!

It's a bright, sunny and somewhat cool day here in the South. I do enjoy this kind of weather where you can turn off the A/C and open doors and windows. And as long as I take my allergy medication, I'm sneeze free!

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me or sent messages via Facebook or Twitter to tell me how much you enjoyed SWEET JUSTICE. I'm thrilled that people are loving Seth and Honor! If you did enjoy their book, would you do me a favor and leave a review at your favorite review site. I would sincerely appreciate it!

After release day, I spent most of my time working on page proofs for SWEET REWARD. I so love Mia and Jared--they're so spirited and incredibly strong characters. Can't wait for you to meet them!

This week I'll continue working on the page proofs (deadline is Friday) so I'll be busy most of the week. However, each day I will return to have another SWEET giveaway as we continue our countdown to SWEET REVENGE. And speaking of SWEET REVENGE, two copies arrived last week and I'm dying to give one of those away. Be sure to come back everyday because I have a feeling I won't be able to wait much longer. (:

Even though it was an extremely busy week for me, I did manage to read a book and had high hopes that I would be able to make a recommendation today. Unfortunately I can't. What I thought was a romance turned out to be an odd kind of self-discovery or self-realization character study and the ending was most definitely not happy. The book only reinforced my preferences again: I want a happy ending! (:

But what about you? What book(s) are you recommending today? Oh, before I forget, a dear friend of mine posted her recommendation on my Facebook wall and I told her I'd share it here. LOL She read and loved SWEET JUSTICE and highly recommends it. Thanks, Deb!

Also, Ronlyn recently did an interview with me and Pamela Clare was kind enough to free up her blog today and post it. Here's the link: Thank you Ronlyn for taking time from your extremely busy schedule to do this! I sincerely appreciate it! And thanks to the incredibly generous Pamela Clare for having me over to her blog.

And now for today's SWEET giveaway! LOL You guessed it! I can't put it off any longer! For a signed copy of SWEET REVENGE, please tell me the name of the first romance you remember reading. I'll announce the winner on tomorrow's SWEET giveaway blog.

And congrats to yesterday's winners: Tina Hale won a signed copy of Hummingbird Lake by Emily March and Kara C won a copy of Absolutely, Positively by Heather Webber!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday and don't forget to give us a recommend along with the title of your first romance read!


monica said...

It was a book. By Johanna Lindsay I don't remember the name but I wasn't old enough to read it and hide it from my mom

Ren said...

Can I win again? LOL
My first romance book is White Lies by Linda Howard. That book really surprised me who at the first never want to read romance! Since that, I love reading romance novels, and Linda Howard become one of my favorite authors =)

monica said...

I think the name was heart if thunder. It sure did make me.blush

ShellyE said...

The first one that really sticks out in my mind is The Flame & The Flower. I know I read some really tame Barbara Cartland and Glenna Finlay before that but they weren't memorable!!

krisgils33 said...

OMG...what I wouldn't do for an early copy of Revenge!!!! I'm drooling over here! You are sooooo generous, Christy!!

I read Playing Dirty by Susan Andersen and it was good. I read one other book, but sadly can't recommend it.

My first romance, that I still adore even though it is without a happy ending, is Gone With the Wind. But, I really, really don't like those books that don't have a HEA!!! That is a definite must for me these days!

Ronlyn said...

My first romance novel ever was Johanna Lindsey's ONCE A PRINCESS. ~swoon~! it's still one of my all time favorites.

And I read quite a bit this weekend...and did essentially nothing else. LOL. But I finished the first two Jodi Thomas books in the Harmony series, which I really really enjoyed. I also read a few older Susan Anderson books which have been sitting in my TBR for quite some time.

And, Christy, you are so welcome re: the interview. And thank YOU for taking time out of your release week to answer my questions. I hope everyone enjoys the interview.

Hope said...

Hi everyone...Happy Monday!!

I have a few recommends this week, I read and LOVED Sweet Justice...Seth and Honor are a very close 2nd to my Jordan and Eden (who are my favs of all time).

I also finished Deep Disclosure by Dee Davis, the next book in her A-Tac series. I really love this series, and highly recommend it.

And finally I finished the Fatal Destiny novella by Marie Force. Not really what I expected, but cute none-the-less.

I am with Kris, not much I wouldn't do for one of those copies....haven't we had this bribe discussion before?? lol

My first romance was a little different than most, I didn't start reading until a few years ago....and my tastes have improved over the years, so keep that in mind too, but Twilight was my first. *hangs head in shame* I blame it on lack of a role model :)

Have a great week everyone.

Christy Reece said...

Just signing in to get comments.

Keep those recommends coming, along with your first romance!

Gotta get back to Jared and Mia. Have a great Monday!

Mary G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary G said...

My first was the Flame & the Flower
as well.

Really loved Too Hot Too Touch by Louisa Edwards. Lots of bookmark moments.

Gobbling up The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred. Learning it's okay to say what you want about a person as long as you end it with "bless their heart'. You Southern girls are brilliant!! LOL.

Jennifer D. said...


My first romance was Johanna Lindsey's Man of My Dreams (still love this book). I got it from my local library and the book hooked me on romance books.

I just read Prey by Linda Howard. I did like the book and the hero ( a gruff, alpha type).

Alison said...

I would LOVE to win a copy of SWEET REVENGE!!

My first romance book was The Magic of You by Johanna Lindsey.

Hope...don't be ashamed of Twilight...its the book that go me back into reading! I loved it and I WILL be in the theaters when the first part of Breaking Dawn comes out:-)

This week I read Kept and Unleashed from Jami Alden's Gemini series. Kept is my favorite of the trilogy. I really enjoyed Never Enough by Lauren Dane. I also read Ransom, a Julie Garwood her historicals!

Have a good week everyone!

Ronlyn said...

I'm loving the fact that so many people read Johanna Lindsey first.

And I'm dutifully ignoring all the Twilight talk.

Chrisbails said...

The first romance I remember reading is the Sweet Valley High books. I loved those books. I have been picking them up at yard sales and am saving for my daughter when she gets older. I also remember reading almost anything by Danielle Steele when I got a little older. Can't remember the first one, was probly Palamino. I loved all of her books and still do. She is a great romance writer. I quit reading romance for awhile and I read Johanna Lindsey's Tender Rebel and fell in love with her and romances once more. I do love historical romances also.
Christy is a new author for me and am always looking for new authors and books to read and this book looks great. I would love to win and read this book, so please choose me for the giveaway.

Michelle Cunningham said...

Wow great question! I really had to rack my brain--more difficult to do on Mondays--for an answer.

My first RS book was 'Don't Tell' by Karen Rose, and my love for RS books has spiraled out of control from there.

Now my Monday recommendation(s): Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross and I'm currently reading 'Maverick' by Lora Leigh and really enjoying it :) Maverick is the second book in the series.

Happy Monday, and Happy Reading!

TeigTanten said...

Hi, my first Romance was Nicholas Sparks - A Walk To Remember...and I read it in one night and cried ALL through the book. Hehehe and I only started reading it cause Shane West was on the cover :)

oklanannie said...

Oh my gosh! Christy, I'm way too old to remember my first romance book. I think it must have been a Judith McNaught and it may have been "Whitney, My Love." Then again, it could have been one of Sandra Brown's earlier ones like "Demon Rumm."

This week's special surprise and treat all rolled into one was Kaylea Cross's "DEADLY DESCENT." She can definitely write military romance. Action-packed, fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants action (literally, the heroine is a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan and the hero is a pararescueman), and a heartwrenching emotional storyline. I'm still crying over the ending. And yes, hot romance and a HEA! I can hardly wait for the next book in her "Bagram Special Ops" series."

Have a good day everyone!

P.S. to Mary G - SO glad you're enjoying "THE SWEET GUM TREE."

None said...

I bought my first romance book with 14. It was one Heather Grahams and the main character was a furious british redhead who got married to a viking. I don't know the title anymore :)

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

My first romance book was "Sweet Savage Love" by Rosemary Rogers.

I recommend reading "Snapped" by Laura Griffin and "One Grave at a Time" by Jeaniene Frost and "Deadly Vows" by Brenda Joyce.

Happy Monday and have a great reading week everyone!

Deb said...

My favorite book this past week was of course Sweet Justice. It was awesome. And you never knew what might happen next. I can't wait for the next one. And now my worst ever vilain is Alden Pike. He is just beyond vile and creepy. You do a wonderful job of keeping us on the edge of our seats. Love you girl.

kissablysweet1 said...

My first romance was The Flame and The Flower. I loved it!! I'd recommend Heather Webber's series about Lucy Valentine. It's amazing!!

macladie25 at yahoo dot com

Na said...

The first romance that hooked me into the genre is "The Masquerade" by Brenda Joyce.

I still love historical romances and can now include romantic suspense, paranormal and contemporary to sub-genres I enjoy.

Luci said...

Hey Christy! Just read your interview on Pamela Clare's blog. Congrats to you and Ronlyn :).

I just finished reading Michele Sinclair's fourth McTierney book Tempting the Highlander and am eagerly waiting for the 5th book (there are 7 brothers in all so 7 books).

I have hopeless memory so I do not remember the title of the first romance i read but it was a Georgette Heyer I took from my sister's shelf. Then for many years I read biographies, real murder stories, cool gangster stories (Bonnie and Clyde are my faves :), then crimes and thrillers.

Then a few years ago I saw Susan Elizabeth Phillip's MAtch Me If You Can in a supermarket and bought it and I discovered the pleasure of HEA. I will NOT read a book now if it does not have a HEA. Haven't looked back :).

Susan T. said...

Oh, it was long ago when I first read Evening Star by Catherine Coulter. Since then I was hooked on romance.

Ronlyn said...

Thanks Luci! Glad you enjoyed the interview. :-)

Jane said...

Julie Garwood's "The Bride" is the first romance that I read and I was hooked.

Anonymous said...

The first romance I read that got me really started reading is. Gone With the Wind and that was back in my early teens. I read the book several times. I wish I had a copy of it now.

Crystal said...

Hey everyone Happy Monday!!

The first romance I remember reading... The Cowboy by Kristine Rolofson. Great book!

Now my recommends from last week.... I must say I am severely sleep deprived and my eyes are threatening to cross if I don't PUT THE NOOK DOWN! lol (All Ronlyns fault too! lol)
I read A little bit Wild by Victoria Dahl a great recommend from Jackie!
In Bed with a Highlander by Maya Banks. I really enjoyed this book as well.
Now the cause behind my tiredness....
Kiss of a Highlander and The Dark Highlander both by Karen Marie Moning. I am not into paranormal books at all, but knew Ronlyn absolutely loves KMM and has repeatedly recommended these books. Needing something knew to me I decided to give them a try. WOW I was captivated immediately! Could not read them fast enough. So thanks Ronlyn for another great recommend.
I've been getting totally spoiled having my cousin close enough to visit and I know when we move again it'll be hard. So I am enjoying all the family time I can get. Christy I have had several people tell me how much they have loved SJ!! I knew people would fall in love with Seth and Honor!! Congratulations!

Ronlyn said...

sure, blame me....

Cathy M said...

Way back when, it was The Diamond Tiger by Ann Maxwell (early Elizabeth Lowell). I still have her early romantic suspense stories on my favorite's shelf.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

...okay Ronlyn you may not be at fault for my inability to put the book down.... but you are responsible for them coming to my attention. THEREFORE you have partial responsibility. LOL

Tasty Book Tours said...

My first Romance that really got my into reading was when I was in like eighth grade and read "The Wind Blows Backwards" by Mary Downing Hahn....which I still own the copy of....I think I may have read that book over one hundred times. Spencer was the first "tortured Hero" that I fell for and he still holds a little piece of my heart I have to admit.

Kris said...

A Rose In Winter was the first adult romance I remember reading. I started reading it after my mom. I even took it to school to read during study hall.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Ohhhhh....I love reccommendations! I have to say that I read an advanced copy of Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins and I have to say...she gets me every time. I love everything she writes and get sucked into the story...blubbering like an idiot...and My One and Only, her latest release is alos a heart breaker....will need a box of tisses to get thru that one! Also a huge fan of Untraceable, the first in the Tracers series by Laura Griffin. If you haven't read anything by her yet YOU ARE MISSING OUT!! Waiting for the newest release Snapped to arrive to my home...but I do reccommend reading the three prior books just so you understand some of the characters. For Untraceable, you can even read Thread of Fear and Whisper of Warning before you start the tracers.

Taryn @MySecretRomance said...

Hey all!

I didn't read at all until 3 years ago so my first romance book was Dark Lover by J.R. Ward. FANTASTIC series!

I highly recommend The Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. I have been reading those for the past week. I am LOVING them! I also read Hard Lovin' Man by Lorraine Heath. It was my first read by her and ok at that. I did hear she writes a Texas Trilogy so I am going to check those out.

Good Luck everyone!

Spav said...

My first romance was It Had to be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

Amber said...

The first romance book I read was "The Bachelor" by Carly Phillips. I heard about it on Live with Regis and Kelly when it was recommended by Kelly Ripa for her Reading with Ripa Bookclub Pick. After that I borrowed my Mom's Judith McNaught books and fell in love with romance books and haven't stopped.

I read two books this week and would highly recommend both books. SWEET JUSTICE by Christy Reece and IN BED WITH A HIGHLANDER by Maya Banks.

Amber E.

Jane said...

I just finished Leslie Tentler's "Midnight Fear" and I definitely recommend this book.

Christy Reece said...

Wow, everyone, thanks so much for chiming in with the 'first' romance you read. I saw several titles that brought back wonderful memories for me.

I find it hard to remember my first romance, too. However, I do remember that some of my firsts included The Flame and the Flower and Sweet Savage Love. Also, if you've read anything about me, you probably know my favorite book was The Rolling Years by Agnes Sligh Turnbull. It's a family saga but includes an absolutely beautiful love story, too.

Thanks also for the great recommendations. I've added several to my MBASAIC list. (Must buy as soon as I can)

And thank you to those who recommended SWEET JUSTICE. You know you have a special place in my heart!

I'm going to announce the winner of a signed copy of SWEET REVENGE on my blog today, so be sure to come over and see if you won. Also, I'll be giving away another signed book by another fabulous author.

See you soon!