Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SWEET Giveaway Day One

Hey All-

Wow, thank you all so much for coming by yesterday to party with me on SWEET JUSTICE release day. What fun! And one thing I learned--a lot of you are fast-fingered! I had barely clicked to enter the post before I was getting answers. That's awesome!

Hopefully everyone has gotten their copy of SWEET JUSTICE or you're planning to get it soon. And when you do, I sincerely hope you enjoy Seth and Honor's story. I'm hearing good things so far!

If you won a prize yesterday, congrats again! They'll be sent out later this week. And if you're entering the contest from the newsletter that went out to subscribers yesterday, please be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully.

Today, I'm beginning the giveaways in our 28 day SWEET countdown to the release of SWEET REVENGE. That's 28 chances for you to win! As I mentioned before, I've collected lots of books over the last few months and I've saved them just for you. I will give one a way everyday until October 4!

And I'm going to get us started with one of my very favorite authors, Linda Howard! This is two of her older Harlequin books reissued and bundled together in one called Trouble. The stories are: Midnight Rainbow and Diamond Bay. These are two of my very favorite of hers. To make it even more special, this book is signed by the author!

So, who wants to win? I'm kind of drained from yesterday's fun, so no need to answer questions or flip through pages looking for the right answer. All you have to do is be the first commenter to say: "I WANT TROUBLE!"

Tomorrow, Bella Andre, one of the loveliest and most generous authors I know, on top of being a fabulous storyteller, will be here to chat with you. And she's giving away a digital copy of her new book The Look of Love! Should be fun!

Okay, that's it from me today. Thanks again for all your kind words and excitement over SWEET JUSTICE. Now, who wants to win a signed book by Linda Howard? All you have to do is be the first to say: I WANT TROUBLE!


angela said...


oklanannie said...

Just checking in to say Hi! Looks like Angela is getting some "Trouble." Congrats to her - both are wonderful books.

Off to enjoy the 70 degree weather. It's marvelous!

Have a good day everyone!

Christy Reece said...

Yay! Congrats, Angela! You got it!

Email your mailing address to


Christy Reece said...

Hey, Anne! Thanks! Enjoy those 70 degree temps!

Hope you'll come back tomorrow and chat with Bella!

angela said...

Thanks, Christy! Love your books!

Tasty Book Tours said...

I am going to have to come back tomorrow and chat with Belle, just finished her book last night....can't wait for the next release and I am soooo looking forward to Sweet Revenge!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats angela!

It is cold and raining here today so I guess I will do housework.