Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SWEET Giveaway Day Twenty-one

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Thanks to all who stopped by and gave their recommends yesterday. I've added several to my list! And thank you also to those who stopped by but didn't have recommends. I know there are always going to be books that don't suit our taste for whatever reason and I so appreciate you all only mentioning the ones you would recommend to others. There are lots of places where you can find negative book comments. I love that we've created a positive environment for the books you love!

Congrats to Susan T. for winning a copy of The Fallen: Raziel by Kristina Douglas. Susan, please send your mailing info to christy@christyreece.com.

Let's talk television shows. The new season has started and along with my favorites such as Criminal Minds, Castle and Blue Bloods, I've added several new shows to my evening viewing or DVRing. They are: Person of Interest, A Gifted Man and the one I'm most excited about is a show on the CW channel called REVENGE. Did anyone see the premier last week? It started off great and I'm really hoping it keeps up the intriguing storyline.

What about you? Any new shows catch your interest this season? What about your favorites? Which ones are you glad to see come back?

Comment today for a chance to win a signed copy of: SWEET REVENGE

I'll announce the winner on tomorrow's blog.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


Taryn @MySecretRomance said...

Christy, REVENGE is on ABC not CW!! Unless there are two shows called Revenge?

I never watch tv since I am too busy reading but I did stop to watch Revenge last week and I really enjoyed it.

JBarr5 said...

hi, besides the ones you do mention i am also watching those. revenge is a really good one, almost adult soap opera, kinda like brothers and sisters-it has one of the stars from that show. my favorite would be parenthood cuz it deals with all different age groups and different situations of one extended family. i even go to the other tv set to watch it as others in the house watch something else LOL

TeigTanten said...

Oy jeeez don't get me started on TV shows...today I have to watch at least 6...it's crazy..I watch everything..I was sooo looking forward to HART OF DIXIE..watching that right now...I like it. I LOVED Person Of Interest with Jim Caviezel....Ringer is good. Hawaii 5-0 finally back. Revenge was ok too I think. Weeds ended today...oy :( OK that's it for now :)

Christy Reece said...

Oops, thanks for clearing that up, Taryn. You are so right! It's on Wednesday's at 9:00 (CST) on ABC.

Anonymous said...

This may be hard to believe but I don't watch much TV at all. I spend all my spare time reading. :) So, I don't follow any shows regularly and have no idea what is new or returning this season. Ha! I did just order Dontown Abbey from PBS because I'm a sucker for hostorical romance type movies/TV shows.

Claire Admire said...

I just left the comment above but listed my name as anonymous-woops. It should be Claire Admire :)

Taryn @MySecretRomance said...

Claire- I'm with you, I don't watch much at all but I did catch Revenge, which was good. Have you ever seen The Tudors? It's a Historical show that was on Showtime, I believe. I have never seen it but I want to. I was thinking about renting the series.

Alison said...

I don't watch as much TV as I used to, but I do like How I Met Your Mother and Dancing with the Stars.

Taryn - I've seen the first few seasons of the Tudors and really liked it.

oklanannie said...

Christy - the excitement is building because it's only one week until SWEET REVENGE!!!!!!

I'm a big fan of NCIS with Mark Harmon. And I love THE MENTALIST and CRIMINAL MINDS. Another of my favorites is THE CLOSER with Kyra Sedgewick.

Anonymous said...

the only show i watch is NCIS :)

Crystal said...

Good morning Christy!
My all time favorite show is BURN NOTICE!! I also like Covert Affairs, Suits and a new show that just started last week called Unforgettable. I rarely watch TV, but looking at this list it doesn't seem that way. :)

Ronlyn said...

I think I missed Rec Mon yesterday. Blah!!

But, TV shows. I'm DVR-ing A Person of Interest, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I typically always DVR Hawaii Five-0 and NCIS. I managed to catch Prentiss' return on Criminal Minds! YAY!!

But, sadly, unless it's animated or StarWars I typically lose the TV battle (thank goodness for the DVR!!)

Crystal, Scott LOVES Burn Notice! LOL. He laughs at me when I watch it because I yell at them to clean up their shell casings and things.

Johanna R Jochum said...

I'm glad CSI NY is back for one more season. They kinda left you wondering what the heck! LOL! I have not seen anything new really that has caught my eye but I have been watching Against the Wall on Lifetime which is pretty good.


krisgils33 said...

Most of you guys know I don't really watch TV at all. I will sit with my daughter when she watches something, but it's ALWAYS with a book in hand. Lately, I have been watching Dance Moms with her, mainly because I like to see the dancing! So glad our dance company is NOTHING like that!!

Unknown said...

Although I haven't had time to watch it yet, I did DVR Pan Am. There is another one starting soon-not sure of the title-sorta science fiction/fairy tale kind of thing. If I find it I may try that one too.

Unknown said...

I remembered the title!!! Once Upon a Time its supposed to be on ABC

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

I'm glad that NCIS, Criminal Minds and Blue Blood have returned.

I've added these to my TV watching:

1. Unforgettable
2. Prime Suspect
3. Secret Circle
4. Charlie's Angels

Gail said...

junpovIn the new season I loved "Revenge" and I also loved"Pan Am"

Na said...

Hands down, it's The Amazing Race for me, followed by The X-Factor and Dancing With the Stars.

Some of the shows you mentioned are new to me so I will need to keep an eye out on the...when my nose isn't buried in a book that is :)

KC said...

I'm a CSI fan, the original and NY. Also like Hawaii 5-0, Criminal MInds- all the ones you mentioned Christy. Also a new one Unforgettable- sounds like it could be interesting.

Claire Admire said...

Taryn - I have seen the first few seasons of the Tudors. I really liked it.

Hope said...

My favorites are NCIS and Bones...those I record every week if I can't watch them. I have others I like, but those two are my favs.

I haven't really had time to see any new things this season yet, but I have heard great things about Revenge.

Jennifer D. said...


Christy - its funny that you originally thought that Revenge was on CW. When I saw the promos, it felt like a CW show to me. I checked it out and liked the first episode.

This year I'm trying to DVR some new shows to check them out, since all I seem to watch is reality!! So, I tried out Prime Suspect and Nikita (loved Shane West from ER). Mystery / Action theme, I guess, I miss 24.

Cathy M said...

I am watching those same shows, too, Christy. Plus, Unforgettable, Prime Suspect and Secret Circle. And really enjoying the second season of Haven on Sci-Fi.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Deb said...

I also watched Revenge it is on ABC at 10 ET on Wednesday.. It was really good. I also watched Ringer on the CW on Tuesday at 9 ET. There are several old ones that I like. I was thrilled to see everyone back on Criminal Minds. One new one that I watched that I think has the potential to be good is Unforgettable. It is CBS Tuesday 10ET.
And I got a wonderful package in the mail today. I will be reading Sweet Revenge and TiVoing my shows.

Jane said...

I liked Person of Interest, Unforgettable and Pan Am. I caught the premiere of Hart of Dixie last night. It's set in Alabama and it was pretty good. I'm a fan of Rachel Bilson.

Tasty Book Tours said...

DWTS and The Bachelor are my two reality allowances...and Awkward on MTV (The New My So Called Life)is another show on the DVR list! Loved Necessary Roughness and can't wait for next season... Marc Blucus is yummy!!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I don't watch much tv unless you count Disney Junior during the day with my kiddo. =) I do watch True Blood but the season just ended, oh and I'll peek at Survivor when the Hubs is watching it but that's about it.
Sounds like I'm missing some good shows though!

Mary G said...

I enjoyed Suits & Hart of Dixie.

Spav said...

I love Castle, NCIS and The Good Wife.

Anonymous said...

I did watch REVENGE but not sure about it yet. My favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy, Castle and The Good Wife. I am planing on watching REVENGE again just to see if its something I want to watch.

Amy said...

Some of my favorite tv shows are: Burn Notice, Supernatural, and the new Charlie's Angels. I also love many shows on the Food Network!

Susan T. said...

My favorite is Hawaii Five O and NCIS LA. 2 Broke Girls is really funny, must catch it.

Laurie G said...

Glee and So You Think You Can Dance are my two favorites!

Christy Reece said...

Wow, I'm learning about some new shows I didn't even know existed. I think my DVR is about to start smoking!

Since we had such a good response yesterday, I'm giving away two copies of SWEET REVENGE!

Congrats to Cathy M. and Amy for winning! Ladies, if you would email your mailing info to christy@christyreece.com, I'll get them out to you soon.

Okay, I'm headed over to do SWEET giveaway day twenty-two. Come on over when you can!